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overman1 said:
jlmurph2 said:
overman1 said:

While I belive there is a need for Options regarding EA access on the PS4, I believe this is very bad and could come back to hurt the cusomers later on. Lets say this works, what is to stop Activision, or Ubisoft or any other publishers from doing this? How many subscriptions would the average gamer have to pay in order to get the "best deals"?

If its an option then by all means, let them. Id rather give my money to the publishers than Gamestop.

Well, Like it or not, gamestop has come through for a lot of people and for me especially. Used games and pleasant deals like the last of us PS3 trade ins. Game stop is good for the gaming industry, would it be more awesome i they were cheaper? fuck yeah! 

with all these digital downloads for everything...idk.

Also what is stopping EA from charging people for items or deals on this EA access when on a regular they might have been incline to give them for free in order to win customers over?

I have literally never heard that statement in my life. Its when I stopped reading. Sorry but I cant..I just cant.