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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony: EA Access Doesn't "Represent Good Value To The PlayStation Gamer"

BMaker11 said:

I don't know how that doesn't mean a lot. A game sells X amount of copies during it's original run. Then becomes free on PS+ and the people who didn't buy it originally, play it. If it's a good game, they have 1 more fan. And clearly people buy DLC for games they "rent" because if you google "DLC for PS+ games" you have tons of forum/community posts asking if they keep their DLC if their sub runs out (which repeatedly gets explained that you keep the DLC, not the game).

And actually, Crysis 2 was on PS+ and Dead Space 4 is "in the cards". I can't find a filtered list of EA Games on PS+ but I can personally tell you that I bought Crysis 3 because I had fun playing the [free] Crysis 2. Anecdotal evidence, but it shows that "free exposure" and "creating a larger fanbase" is possible.

But I've never argued the monetary implications on EAs side. We have seen that dev/publishers get cash in making their games available on the IGC (I don't know if there's a better price than 'free'). But let's just look at that statement you made: "why should EA give out games to MS and Sony for pocket change". Ignoring that exposure works and more money = higher chance for a sequel (that's not a strategy for anyone? L. O. L. If people didn't gobble up games, there wouldn't be sequels. They make sequels based on 'potential' purchases by looking at the reaction the first game got). No more PS+ or GwG. No more trials, betas, discounts, etc. that are uniform. You want discounts on EA games, you gotta get EA Access. You want discounts on Activision games, you're gonna need Activision Access. You want discounts on Ubisoft games, you're gonna need Ubisoft Access.

Instead of having uniformity and getting discounts, deals, betas, early access, etc. on "games", in general, you're gonna need separate subs because the publishers differ. That $5/mo or $30/year sure is gonna add up.

Your overestimating the exposure = more future sales.. looking at the sales the people who played Crysis 2  didn't buy Crysis 3..
But why would you want to be soley dependable on 1 provider? PS+ or GwG? I can't see the reason to be so depenable on the flucks of Sony or MS.. Why would any publisher have to wait for those 2 to give a discount/trials/beta..
why wouldn't I go for an Activision subscription if they provide me with better games than PS+/GwG.. Do you only watch on Netflix? If you have the option for Amazon why wouldn't want that? Heck if anything Sony has to up it game with PS+ and MS with GwG which can only be a good thing.
Sure that 30 bucks add up.. but I spend what 1000 bucks a year on games? Who said gaming is a cheap hobby.. if would gladly get 10 subsciptions from EA/Activision/Square Enix etc.. heck I wasted 60 bucks on Thief and Murdered Soul Suspect, would have been happy if they were part of a SE subscription..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

MS fans are beaming right now because Sony is acting like Microsoft, the irony.

Will defend anything MS does, but as so as Sony "takes away an option" its celebration time down in "Redmond"

But I jest.

It seem ppl are confusing this with PSNow, instread of what its being compared to PS+, since the EA Access thing has features of both but PS+ outstrips EA Access in value, they aren't compatible. Probably why its not on Origin either.

nor do people realize ps+ adds in online multiplayer on top of those features you speak of.. which you pay for already with the yearly $50.  EA Access multiplayer will require XBL Gold.. thus uping the actual cost if you wanted the same sorta value found on ps+.

Man.. I hate it when your girl has to leave my place to come back to you..

BillyBong said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

MS fans are beaming right now because Sony is acting like Microsoft, the irony.

Will defend anything MS does, but as so as Sony "takes away an option" its celebration time down in "Redmond"

But I jest.

It seem ppl are confusing this with PSNow, instread of what its being compared to PS+, since the EA Access thing has features of both but PS+ outstrips EA Access in value, they aren't compatible. Probably why its not on Origin either.

nor do people realize ps+ adds in online multiplayer on top of those features you speak of.. which you pay for already with the yearly $50.  EA Access multiplayer will require XBL Gold.. thus uping the actual cost if you wanted the same sorta value found on ps+.

you only need gold for the multiplayer parts of games not the service

The Fury said:
ktay95 said:

They aren't going to give you the new sports games are they? At least not immediately?

They wouldn't be as stupid, FIFA 15 will sell millions as a new game but around now, FIFA 14 is probably hardly selling anything at all, it's not worth anything to trade either for customers. This Access thing will just give them another set of income on games they have already made money on. Good for those that don't mind it sure but pointless if you buy the game new every year.

Exactly, I was a little unsure at first since they said access to the entire EA catalouge, it however means not right away. I mean if they did release a game like Dragon Age this fall at $5 a month how the hell to day make there investment back on that game? I see this as EA's version of PSnow. 

For me personally the only EA games I buy are the NHL series on console and everything else is usually on PC so This maybe a good value for some... it however does not affect me. 

BillyBong said:
cpg716 said:
If EA Access is not a good value for customers.. Then PS Now is HIGHWAY robbery.. For the 30 day price of EA Access (access to several games) you get just about 4 HOURS with a PS Now game... 1 game.. 4 hours.. how is that for VALUE!

Still hoping Sony announces a subscription based option for PS Now. $14.99/month is even fine. I pay $25 a month for GameFly (thought I can get new games for all systems) so I don't think $9.99-$14.99 is bad for PS Now.

why do people still complain about this?  the pricing hasn't yet been set nor is the service even available yet.  beta is still messing with different pricing models.  you're pitting an argument on a placeholder price vs something that's already set and fixed..

I am just talking about VALUE.  Actually. Both services are in BETA.. So nothing is set in stone. But the fact is .. RIGHT NOW at this very moment a better VALUE option is EA Access.

While PS Now is in BETA it will CHARGE me those prices to use the service right now.  All I was talking about is VALUE.

I am not even comparing the two services. As they are TWO very different things. Just the VALUE of it all. As that was what SONY responded with. That it did not offer "VALUE for gamers". 

XBLive: cpg716     PSN ID: cpg716  Steam: Luv4Tech77

Predictions on 12/01/15 - Generation 8 Totals:

PS4: 85-95m
X1: 55-65m
WiiU: 20-30m

Around the Network
Azerth said:
BillyBong said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

MS fans are beaming right now because Sony is acting like Microsoft, the irony.

Will defend anything MS does, but as so as Sony "takes away an option" its celebration time down in "Redmond"

But I jest.

It seem ppl are confusing this with PSNow, instread of what its being compared to PS+, since the EA Access thing has features of both but PS+ outstrips EA Access in value, they aren't compatible. Probably why its not on Origin either.

nor do people realize ps+ adds in online multiplayer on top of those features you speak of.. which you pay for already with the yearly $50.  EA Access multiplayer will require XBL Gold.. thus uping the actual cost if you wanted the same sorta value found on ps+.

you only need gold for the multiplayer parts of games not the service

that's what I'm talking about.  Look at their lineup?  BF4?  Fifa?  Madden?  Most are made and catered to the MP crowd..

Man.. I hate it when your girl has to leave my place to come back to you..

I never played Battlefield, PVZ and Peggle. So to all Xbox gamers like me this is a very good deal.
$30 a year plus $32 XBL on Newegg or eBay. I'll be set.

BillyBong said:
cpg716 said:
If EA Access is not a good value for customers.. Then PS Now is HIGHWAY robbery.. For the 30 day price of EA Access (access to several games) you get just about 4 HOURS with a PS Now game... 1 game.. 4 hours.. how is that for VALUE!

Still hoping Sony announces a subscription based option for PS Now. $14.99/month is even fine. I pay $25 a month for GameFly (thought I can get new games for all systems) so I don't think $9.99-$14.99 is bad for PS Now.

why do people still complain about this?  the pricing hasn't yet been set nor is the service even available yet.  beta is still messing with different pricing models.  you're pitting an argument on a placeholder price vs something that's already set and fixed..

What kind of beta robs it's testers?

BillyBong said:
Azerth said:
BillyBong said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

MS fans are beaming right now because Sony is acting like Microsoft, the irony.

Will defend anything MS does, but as so as Sony "takes away an option" its celebration time down in "Redmond"

But I jest.

It seem ppl are confusing this with PSNow, instread of what its being compared to PS+, since the EA Access thing has features of both but PS+ outstrips EA Access in value, they aren't compatible. Probably why its not on Origin either.

nor do people realize ps+ adds in online multiplayer on top of those features you speak of.. which you pay for already with the yearly $50.  EA Access multiplayer will require XBL Gold.. thus uping the actual cost if you wanted the same sorta value found on ps+.

you only need gold for the multiplayer parts of games not the service

that's what I'm talking about.  Look at their lineup?  BF4?  Fifa?  Madden?  Most are made and catered to the MP crowd..

sure they are pushing the more mp titles but gold is not reguried like you said it is.  if i dont have gold i can still use ea access 

The Fury said:

There is something about this statement and the idea about EA Access that seems a little off. Only on Xbox One is fine, it's great for those that feel this will be of value but for Sony to say it's not good for consumers makes me thing something else is going on.

For example, when a game sells (hard copy or download) some of the money from that sale goes to Sony, MS or Nintendo for the 'right' to have the game on their system. Me thinks that this service bypasses that income, while MS happy to let EA do this on their system because they are mostly rolling in money and want more people to use the system anyway. Sony on the other hand might not be as willing to let that extra income go. While in the case of PS+, the companies that make the games get a cost for putting the game on PS+, EA might not be giving any income to Sony for using their system for this service.

So while it hasn't been explained how the income in made, if Sony don't make any from the service being on their machine, why bother, especially when the games are out there to purchase anyway, just in hard for or download from the store.

I doubt all this though... maybe they really don't think it's good value.

I think what is very clear is that while Sony is saying this deal isn't good value for gamers, what they mean is that it is not good value for Sony. They do not wish to see a competing service on their own system.

I think you can safely assume that Microsoft is getting a cut of the subscription cost. If the Xbox One was selling better perhaps they too would not have allowed this. But no one spinning this looks very sensible. This is very clearly a win for people who own an Xbox One and are interested in EA's games. Hopefully if it takes off Sony will come around.

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