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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why do so many people hate indies?

Because 80% are awful, web browser or iPad app quality

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Adameh said:
Because 80% are awful, web browser or iPad app quality

I have a stinging feeling that didn't even read the whole thing...

Some people want only big productions just like some people don't like independant/low budget/foreign movies.

I don't hate indies, in fact I like them a lot. But people act like this hate for indy games is new. People don't like when others act like indies can replace big budget titles. I also hate the attitide some indy devs have. Some of them take positions publicly and openly badmouth companies or a group of people. Indy devs need to lower their tunes.

There are people that act like indy games are the only games that come up qith innovative concepts and this also can get on some's nerves.

The hate for indie games is no worse than hate for triple A or mid tier. There's equal amounts of crap on every level.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

well how can you be a hardcore gamer if you don't?

seriously though there is no difference in some Indie games created today than some games created in the NES era where you would just need a small group of people to create games.

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

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I noticed that some people are answering the question in the title instead of commenting on the article. You guys I'm not asking the question I'm posting the article.

Unfortunately, indies have a bad reputation since there is so much shovelware among them. That doesn't mean that there isn't legitimately excellent games among them. You just gotta be careful what you buy, like any game.

Colin just discovered "Indie" now. Throughout X360 lifespan, a lot of successful games were small games. Geometry Wars, Trials HD, Alan Wake: American Nightmare, Limbo, Shadow Complex, etc... all of them were great games that used to be hated on by graphic whores.
I never read an article of Colin calling out those small game haters.

Goatseye said:
Colin just discovered "Indie" now. Throughout X360 lifespan, a lot of successful games were small games. Geometry Wars, Trials HD, Alan Wake: American Nightmare, Limbo, Shadow Complex, etc... all of them were great games that used to be hated on by graphic whores.
I never read an article of Colin calling out those small game haters.

Yes we know Colin is pro playstation. I think this time it might be the commentors on IGN mixed with people refusing to play shovel knight because it is an indie.

Clyde32 said:
I noticed that some people are answering the question in the title instead of commenting on the article. You guys I'm not asking the question I'm posting the article.

Then change the title. And I read it earlier on IGN, but it's a long read. Most people probably just want to answer the question in the title instead of going through the article.

I bet the Wii U would sell more than 15M LTD by the end of 2015. He bet it would sell less. I lost.