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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Xbox One: A Lying Failure Machine

Well it is currently failing in EU, and it had soooo many 180's....

Should have been called the Xbox 180!!! XD jk jk,

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Blob said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Pretty rubbish really. All this has been said before, what point is there in just repeating what others have already said?

Pretty much all he's been doing lately is repeating things he and others have alreadys said before. I think hes running out of ideas.

PR people exist to make you "forget" about the bad things companies do and present you with a pretty narrative to buy the next "thing".

Repeating things that companies do ensure that gamers who want to spend their money on the next "thing" remember how they got shafted last time.  Forgive but do not forget.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

Aura7541 said:
Slade6alpha said:
Kinda get the damned they do and damned if they don't idea here. People didn't like the original Xbox One with the DRM, anti used games etc. They reverse it and people still complain.

Well, Jim isn't really complaining about the reversals or that MS didn't do enough. He's complaining about how MS didn't apologize to the consumers for the policies the company was trying to force upon them.

Why would MS need to apologize.  The X1 is a product not some type of institution.  Consumers were never forced to do anything because they have the right to not purchase the device.

Watched some of the video... and honestly I just feel that he and many others have to stop forming these emotional connections to these brands and companies. You have people who treat them like a real life relationship and I honestly feel that when you do that, you're just too emotionally attached and that in turn clouds your judgment.

In the end it kind of reminds me of the quote, " Admiration is the emotion furthest from understanding."">"><img src="

If he thinks it's a good machine. Why is the title so horribly pathetic? If I was sitting on the fence this would be a nail in the coffin. What is the point? I don't get it. The original vision never came to be. At all. Why complain?

Around the Network
iceland said:
Wow, so surprised you agree.

redundant rant, classic "damned if you do, damned if you don't"

Let me guess and say this on N4G

How the hell can I disagree with the truth, it would be silly.


The PS5 Exists. 

Machiavellian said:
Aura7541 said:
Slade6alpha said:
Kinda get the damned they do and damned if they don't idea here. People didn't like the original Xbox One with the DRM, anti used games etc. They reverse it and people still complain.

Well, Jim isn't really complaining about the reversals or that MS didn't do enough. He's complaining about how MS didn't apologize to the consumers for the policies the company was trying to force upon them.

Why would MS need to apologize.  The X1 is a product not some type of institution.  Consumers were never forced to do anything because they have the right to not purchase the device.

Because saying "I'm sorry" only takes a second. Why they can't go out of their way to spend a single second to apologize makes me rub my temples.

as always jim is dead on. doesnt say anything that isnt true

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

Aura7541 said:
Machiavellian said:
Aura7541 said:
Slade6alpha said:
Kinda get the damned they do and damned if they don't idea here. People didn't like the original Xbox One with the DRM, anti used games etc. They reverse it and people still complain.

Well, Jim isn't really complaining about the reversals or that MS didn't do enough. He's complaining about how MS didn't apologize to the consumers for the policies the company was trying to force upon them.

Why would MS need to apologize.  The X1 is a product not some type of institution.  Consumers were never forced to do anything because they have the right to not purchase the device.

Because saying "I'm sorry" only takes a second. Why they can't go out of their way to spend a single second to apologize makes me rub my temples.

I am still not getting it.  MS had a plan for a product.  People stated that the product as it is will not get them their money.  MS changed the product to meet customer demand.  Why would a corporation be sorry, thats a personal type of thing.  Actually there was nothing wrong with MS original vision, it was flawed and incomplete probably because Sony forced them to market to early.


It just seem crazy to me to think of a corporation as a person.  I do not need a corporation to say they are sorry for a flawed dream, instead I need them to make a product I want to purchase.  The word sorry is interesting when you work in a customer facing part of a business. I actually had classes on the way to say you are sorry but not to accept blame.  I am not going to go into that whole bit but sorry means nothing when it comes from a corporation.  Only actions are relevant.

Machiavellian said:
Aura7541 said:
Slade6alpha said:
Kinda get the damned they do and damned if they don't idea here. People didn't like the original Xbox One with the DRM, anti used games etc. They reverse it and people still complain.

Well, Jim isn't really complaining about the reversals or that MS didn't do enough. He's complaining about how MS didn't apologize to the consumers for the policies the company was trying to force upon them.

Why would MS need to apologize.  The X1 is a product not some type of institution.  Consumers were never forced to do anything because they have the right to not purchase the device.

So if someone sold you a 4 star holiday and when you got there it was a youth hostel, you would say oh well there not an instituion they didnt force me to buy it.