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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Xbox One: A Lying Failure Machine

Not only was Jim's video entertaining, but it led me to an article about the 16 best celebrity boob jobs. Not bad. Not bad at all.

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Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

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NobleTeam360 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
NobleTeam360 said:

So listening to what the consumer demands is a bad thing.......

"We shouldn't be thankful for them backpedaling and doing the bare minimum, they should be thankful that we still support them now after all they've done."

What else should they do? Since apparently everything they have done up to this ponit is the "bare minimum".

Admit they were wrong and that they treaded us like idiots.  Instead they acted like they were doing everything out of the goodness of their hearts.

Xenostar said:

Yes and if you watched the video, he did say for him at least all the changes were for the better, doesnt change the fact they lied multiple times, and in case of DRM and Kinect also demanded that these desicsion could not be reveresed, before reversing them and the main point of his video NOT apologising. 

Yes things are better, but they lied and they didnt apologise. thats the point of the video and its all true. 

I am still confused on the lying part.  The whole lying part was concerning Kinect and the DRM.   MS stated that Kinect was integral to the X1 and nothing was wrong about that part.  Once they understood that the current design was not going to sell, they had to CHANGE the system.  MS even stated they had to remove a lot of stuff from the OS because of this change.  Do people understand this very point.  The system was designed to use Kinect just like your controller.  It was an integral part of the system.  Once MS decided to remove that tight integration it cost them a lot of time and resources, set them back months where developers were crying about not having a dev unit and the OS was incomplete.  Its very simple MS had to make a choice.  Remove X1 dependance on Kinect or risk losing even more sales because people are scared about the whole NSA stuff not to mention the people who did not want the device.

As for the DRM, it was all dependant on one thing, Retail game disk.  Here was the problem MS had with trying to do a all digital system and also include retail games.  If a person bought a disk from gamestop, installed it on their X1 they could immediately bring the disk back to gamestop and sell it for another game or get the used game price and still play the game since it would not be required in the X1 once it is installed and registered to you.  How exactly do MS stop such abuse.  The only way would be to enforce some type of DRM that checked to see if you still owned the license for the game.  Now the big question is how often should the check be.  3 days, 5 days, 7 days.  In that time frame, anyone could get the game, install it then had it to their friends and all of them could be playing the game at ounce and they could have taken the game back to gamestop all at the same time.  This was the big flaw in MS plan because it was dependant on the 24 hour DRM to insure that abuse of the system did not happen.  I am sure MS could have come up with a more palable solution but the reaction was so strong that they never got off the ground.  

The parts that I thought was great was the ability to Sell, Trade, Gift your digital games.  Currently we still do not have this ability but gamers seem to be ok with this form of DRM.  Having 10 people on your family list that you could share games with was also pretty decent as well.  There was a lot of upside to what MS tried to do but because they did not have everything worked out on release, their message was muddly.  Only bits and pieces of the full details were scattered  so people took what they knew and what others told them and ran with it.  Its evident that Sony caught MS by surprised because a lot of the infrastructure needed to do what they were attempting was not in place.  I personally would love to see how the system would have fleshed out and maybe MS will release a all digital console for just that purpose.  Maybe there can be a decent solution to retail and digital that everyone can agree on.

As to the video, the main reason why its fanboy dribble is that at the end he comes out and say.  Oh I torched X1 with a whole bunch of opinionated bile but the device isn't bad.  How many post have you seen people say, "I am not a fanboy" but then the rest of their text is exactly that.  I am not even calling this guy a fanboy but his tactics are the same.

Don't know how hard it is for some people to recognize the console, as it stands now, is a great machine and is only improving further. Most of the issues of E3 2013 didn't even make it to the final product.

I can't see the video, but I have an idea. I mean some people........just get over it. The people won and made a difference. Just seems like another kicking-while-down tactic meant to bolster "the competition", hence the click bait title.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Captain_Tom said:
NobleTeam360 said:

So listening to what the consumer demands is a bad thing.......

They didn't "Listen."  They did what they had to so Xbox would still exist.  


Let's say there is this guy who robs a store every day, but also relies on it for food.  Eventually he realizes the store will go out of business if he robs it every day, so he decides to stop or he won't have anything to eat.  He didn't stop because he listened to what the storeowners wanted, he stopped because he had no other choice.

Yawn with the comparing. MS, in order to keep Xbox in business, was forced to "listen" to see what the consumers want. Because all updates and features after launch were a direct result of listening.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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sales2099 said:
Don't know how hard it is for some people to recognize the console, as it stands now, is a great machine and is only improving further. Most of the issues of E3 2013 didn't even make it to the final product.

I can't see the video, but I have an idea. I mean some people........just get over it. The people won and made a difference. Just seems like another kicking-while-down tactic meant to bolster "the competition", hence the click bait title.

Well nothing in the video is a wrong, its just all stuff we all know repeated for the 100th time, you say its only improving, but only last week they canned Xbox Entertainment, so sureley 8 months after release its still taking some steps back. Thats basically the point of the video and that MS never apologise for these backwards steps.

Captain_Tom said:
NobleTeam360 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
NobleTeam360 said:

So listening to what the consumer demands is a bad thing.......

"We shouldn't be thankful for them backpedaling and doing the bare minimum, they should be thankful that we still support them now after all they've done."

What else should they do? Since apparently everything they have done up to this ponit is the "bare minimum".

Admit they were wrong and that they treaded us like idiots.  Instead they acted like they were doing everything out of the goodness of their hearts.

Well, they never did treat you like an idiot.  The problem was more on communication and not having everything ready more than anything else but thats for another discussion which I might take up in another thread.  I am interested to see people's opinion once all the info is put into one place instead of different blog post.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
NobleTeam360 said:

So listening to what the consumer demands is a bad thing.......

Hes saying Microsoft lied multiple times and when they got caught and met the lynch mob the changed their ways. They saw that Sony was winning the gamers back over by the load and so they turned the Xbone into a less powerful PS4. They lost focus on the gaming aspect of things for the TV and then went full 180. MS would not have listened to shit if they were ahead of Sony. Members of MS were actually arguing with fans about it until they finally gave in. They never listened to consumer demand...the jig was just up. They couldn't lie about Kinect any longer and they had to drop DRM before they lost their fans and Gamestop lowered the amount of pre orders they would take in. MS pissed almost everyone off  in that period of time.

MS's constant lying caused him to put MS on his shit list, but everything he said was true (when you take away the emotional ranting)

We all get it, but they did change. The Xbox division lost their way and they have found it again. Xbox has always been gaming first until Don took the reigns since 2008 (?) to 2013. They are back on focus and have clearly paid the price and will continue to do so for the rest of the gen.

Losing always brings out the best of corporations and they come back stronger then before (if they can). Apple, Playstation, and now Xbox.

What I take issue with is this guys emotional state (according to posts here, as well as the title). Like this just makes core gamers out like a bad stereotype......that they hold grudges over polocies (that didn't even make it to the launch) more then they would over a bad ex girlfriend lol.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Xenostar said:
sales2099 said:
Don't know how hard it is for some people to recognize the console, as it stands now, is a great machine and is only improving further. Most of the issues of E3 2013 didn't even make it to the final product.

I can't see the video, but I have an idea. I mean some people........just get over it. The people won and made a difference. Just seems like another kicking-while-down tactic meant to bolster "the competition", hence the click bait title.

Well nothing in the video is a wrong, its just all stuff we all know repeated for the 100th time, you say its only improving, but only last week they canned Xbox Entertainment, so sureley 8 months after release its still taking some steps back. Thats basically the point of the video and that MS never apologise for these backwards steps.

You consider canning a studio that does no games as a step back?  Could you explain to me why getting rid of Xbox Entertainment which probably was sucking up millions of dollars for something of little value to the Xbox brand and spread they focus outside of gameing not a smart move.  Is making smart decisions also considered as step backs, lying and 180.  

Machiavellian said:
Xenostar said:
sales2099 said:
Don't know how hard it is for some people to recognize the console, as it stands now, is a great machine and is only improving further. Most of the issues of E3 2013 didn't even make it to the final product.

I can't see the video, but I have an idea. I mean some people........just get over it. The people won and made a difference. Just seems like another kicking-while-down tactic meant to bolster "the competition", hence the click bait title.

Well nothing in the video is a wrong, its just all stuff we all know repeated for the 100th time, you say its only improving, but only last week they canned Xbox Entertainment, so sureley 8 months after release its still taking some steps back. Thats basically the point of the video and that MS never apologise for these backwards steps.

You consider canning a studio that does no games as a step back?  Could you explain to me why getting rid of Xbox Entertainment which probably was sucking up millions of dollars for something of little value to the Xbox brand and spread they focus outside of gameing not a smart move.  Is making smart decisions also considered as step backs, lying and 180.  

Whatever, i see you would argue black is white and that MS has done no wrong with the XBox One.
