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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - So, it seems like I'm the only person on the site who doesn't like PH

NintendoTogepi said:

I really didn't like Phantom Hourglass at all. I thought it was bland, boring, repetivie and the most plain Zelda game ever released.

It doesn't do a single thing better then it's "prequel", The Wind Waker.

There's just so many meh and bad things in PH....sailing is even duller than in TWW...the graphics look somewhat bizarre (Link and the other characters are freaky looking)...the music is the worst in the series, the dungeons are very short and very easy...ugh.

But the one thing that killed the game for the stealth, TIMED dungeon that you have to do FIVE TIMES over the course of the game? All I can say is...WTF? Who approved that idea at Nintendo's Game Studios?

So what did you think of PH?


I totally, 100% agree with you. I kind of hate the game.

To elaborate, the dungeons were totally bland, repetitive, and boring. Sailing was also boring, and the Temple of the Ocean King sucked anything remotely resembling fun out of the game. The controls worked surprisingly well, but they weren't enough to save the game. I found myself not caring at all about the story, I thought the characters were all kind of generic.

Low point in the Zelda series IMO. (The CDIs are awesome because of the YouTube remixes.)

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Yeah, PH was indeed boring. Nintendo should do a Ocarina of time Remake, just as they did Super Mario 64 DS.

I liked Phantom Hourglass. however I did not like how you had to keep going back to that one dungeon.

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jheco05 said:
Well its a handheld game.. so the best for a handheld game so far... not fair to compare it with console zelda versions

 I think it's a bad for a handheld game too.

I like all of DS games but not PH. 

Top 3 favorite games: Super Mario Galaxy, The Sims 2 (PC), The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

the game was pathetic. i havent even finished. i have very little draw. im pretty far though.

basically, everything but the controls were at best boring. controls were amazing though. i dont see how it could ever get even ds goty. mine was puzzle quest.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

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It was okay, exept visiting the Temple of the Ocean King 5 times... If there was a "saved point" at the last floor of each time you go there, it would have been better, so you wouldn't need to redo the others before them. Or maybe they could have found another way to do it but it was a pain!

I found the dongeons quite fun to complete! They were short but the controls and the items were so much fun and refreshing to use! I agree they were bland but I liked the puzzles in and outside of them. Some of the puzzles, when I actually found how to do them, got me surprised! I really liked how it used every fonctions on the DS.

I'm not sure that I'll replay the game, though. The thing that really makes me stay away from it is the Temple of the Ocean King. I didn't hate it but it isn't my favorite.

Whoa, I LOVED Phantom Hourglass! I was skeptic at first, having to control the entire game with just the stylus, but man, I was happily surprised. :) It just felt so good and intuitive. True, the game is easier than previous Zeldas, and indeed a bit bland-looking at times, but this was purposely done so. It was meant to be an accessible Zelda that less hardcore gamers would be able to get into and play. I think in that aspect Nintendo succeeded. Of course it was never gonna be better than WW, but I found it to be an awesomely charming, incredibly playable game. The graphics are actually great. For a DS game. I mean, it's all in 3D, simultaneously at both screens at times. The sound effects and music are actually very well done too, just compare them to most other DS games. Everything just sounds extremely clear and.. right. Also, the simple fact that you were able to scribble whatever you wanted wherever you wanted on the maps was just sheer genius, at first I was like "well, big deal, nice gimmick", but it realy does go a long way. Far better than I ever suspected.
I really enjoyed it, and that's coming from someone who was extremely skeptic at first. Still, I suspect some people might not like it. Which is fine, then just don't play it.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Its a great game - but the control system really made it. Even my gf got into the game, and she would never touch the other Zelda titles.

The game was a little too shallow (could have had some awesome RPG elements), and too easy. Its an easy 9.0-9.5/10 for me.

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I hated the game, i made it to the third map and beat the ICE temple and made it to the boss in the Rock temple, but the game was just a pain to play. The thought of going back and playing the main shitty temple again was too much for me. And games with a time limit on any level or any section lose alot of points from me. I never played the wind waker, but i got farther in this Zelda then any other one, 4.5/10.

I really enjoyed it so much. It is a handheld game after all so i think its a great zelda game for a handheld device.

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