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Forums - General Discussion - For you people that don't flush in public bathrooms...

This thread reminds me of the thread that guy made about someone taking a dump on his steps. Someone needs to bump that, there were some horror stories in there. I always like to tell people about the guy who wiped his ass on the walls when he realized there was no toilet paper at my middle school.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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this is kinda funny but in some states right now its aganist the law to flush in a public restroom


I attend a public University and half the time the toilet is in such a bad state that there is piss or shit on the toilet seat and it was not flushed.

Only one in three men wash their hands after going to the toilet when taking a piss. Imagine what illnesses you could catch when you eat your food?

that is the reason why i never go in public bathrooms
i find me a nice tree/wall/window/car/whatever and piss on it, this way i won't get sick

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Joeron said:
@Copycon: wow never ever saw that toilet around here, even it's called a belgian toilet.

 ²....Probably some hotel in Brussels =s..

FreeTalkLive said:
Joeron said:
In the Philippines and other poorer asian countries there's no paper and you have to bring your own.
 Poor Asian countries, like Japan? 


 You should read my entire post I said Singapore first (rich asian country) and took Philippines as an example for poor. I can't say if it's true for all poor countries. I've only visited some in asia.

d21lewis said:
Now, every where I go, they have these robot toilets -flushing automatically, even when I'm not finished. Sure, it's sanitary, BUT AT WHAT PRICE?!?

I know, those are good. God bless technology.

So for those that say they don't want to touch the flushing mechanism because it's gross, what about the next person who feels the same way that comes and your shit and shitty paper is filling the toilet and they can't use the can unless they flush the toilet that is now a far more disgusting job than it would've been for you? I mean grow up, that's the sort of selfish reasoning of six year olds.

Just flush the damn toilet and the wash your F***ing hands! Wash them twice if you want to, bring some hand sanitizer or maybe a little bottle of bleach you can poor on them, whatever makes you feel comfortable. Just don't leave the toilet in such a state that the next person needs to puke before they can use the bathroom. I am totally with you twesterm!

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

those are the kind of surprises I dont like...

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