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So for those that say they don't want to touch the flushing mechanism because it's gross, what about the next person who feels the same way that comes and your shit and shitty paper is filling the toilet and they can't use the can unless they flush the toilet that is now a far more disgusting job than it would've been for you? I mean grow up, that's the sort of selfish reasoning of six year olds.

Just flush the damn toilet and the wash your F***ing hands! Wash them twice if you want to, bring some hand sanitizer or maybe a little bottle of bleach you can poor on them, whatever makes you feel comfortable. Just don't leave the toilet in such a state that the next person needs to puke before they can use the bathroom. I am totally with you twesterm!

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.