Yakuzaice said:
This is exactly what you are doing in this thread though. In your hypothetical you'd be calling people fools for ever believing in Hitler, and that it is impressive he didn't lose until '45. My issue is less with your initial thread, and more with your attempt in this thread to whitewash the numbers. The VGC numbers were accepted by you until it turned out that the actual numbers were much lower. Then all of a sudden people were fools for expecting higher numbers, and the significantly lower numbers are impressive. |
Yes, but you missed the entire point of the thread. The thread was to explain why people were excited for Nintendo. It is 100% irrelevant as to whether those numbers were accurate, the thread was about people's reaction to the numbers, not the numbers themselves. Nintendo could have somehow magically lost sales by buying back 100,000 units it had sold before and it wouldn't have made a difference as to the thread's validity.
I try really hard, though don't always succeed, to not let venom seep into my posts, but your inability to grasp the concept is frustrating.