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Forums - General Discussion - Vista theme on XP help

So, I know there are a lot of themes I can put on my XP Pro that will give me the Vista look/feel.

Have any of you used these?

What is a safe site to get this type of stuff from?

Around the Network

ah c'mon I can't be the only person who was thinking of putting vista themes on...

At least you're not making the actual downgrade to Vista...

Yeah, I finally have a sig.

I'm gonna keep bumping this until someone with experience in this comes forth and declares him/herself. ;)

I tried it in a laptop for my parents, they preferred the looks of it (although at the expense of performance).

I might give it a shot with my desktop now, waiting for other replies.


Edit: I've been searching for the one I used. But this theme poped up while browsing, looks even more advance:


... might try it!

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