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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Unofficial Sony Vs MS E3



Microsoft? 101 32.48%
Sony? 209 67.20%

MS good format but bad content. Sony won due to content. Let's not pretend Scalebound is even going to touch Bloodborne. Plus the surprise reveal and close release date of LBP3 was ace.
As for remasters, Grim Fandango + TLOU + R&C1 > Halos

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Troll_Whisperer said:
I've said it in another thread, but:

MS wins in the conference format department, short and to the point.

Sony wins in the games department.

Both were good IMO. I would give the edge to Sony because I'm more interested in the exclusives they showed. The Order, UC4, Blood Born, No Man's Sky and Grim Fandango did it for me. Maybe LBP3 too.

Seriously, Sony should Fire the Camera and Audio guys. They did this at Gamescom and TGS too. The glitch scene on Arkham Knight, were completly ruined by this idiot's signature panning audience shots. NOBODY WANTS TO SEE THE FUCKING AUDIENCE, ESPECIALLY WHEN A GAMEPLAY TRAILER IS UP ON SCREEN!

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank


LBP, TLoU, and Uncharted look awesome though!

MS also had Scalebound and Phantom Dust which looked amazing!

MS just had a better conference overall in my opinion.

Sony had the better exclusives but MS had the much better conference.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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Enspire said:
think-man said:
What did MS announce apart from Halo? I missed most of it.

Forza 2, sunset overdrive gameplay, new ip from platinum games, crackdown 3 and multiplats i think thats most of it

Those were already announced, I'll check out that new IP. Crackdown is meh to me.

Maniac said:

MS also had Scalebound and Phantom Dust which looked amazing!

MS just had a better conference overall in my opinion.

2 cgi trailers, it's like saying the tooth fairy is real, dont know anytihng about either game tosay it's amazing.

Both conferences were just terrible..

Microsoft = 4 / 10
Sony = 3 / 10

Microsoft was too safe about things, but then again everyone told them "games, games, and more games". At least they followed the advice. Sony needs to learn to have better stage presence when it comes to talking, because holy fuck are they boring. Also, why the hell are they talking about TV, movies, and shit.

Microsoft had a more stable conference but no megaton(i was really expecting them to come for Sony's head this time)

Sony had really good moments and megatons but had huge letdowns too(TV show and shit)

this post is misleading.
MS actually has more exclusives.