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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Unofficial Sony Vs MS E3



Microsoft? 101 32.48%
Sony? 209 67.20%

Here is the stack up

I say MS (7.5) vs Sony (7.6)


~90 minutes 

Just Games

20 games

A lot of Multiplats

A lot of CGI

The Conference was really focus, excellent production much better camera work and presentation then Sony, but the conference felt safe. Multiplats dominated the conference and ACU and Witcher were probably the only multiplat I remembered seeing gameplay. Sunset Overdrive was the only AAA exclusive i remember having gameplay.


~2 hours

Games + Vita + Vita TV + PS Now + TV/Movies + PS4 Share + Indies

19 Games

A lot of exclusives

Gameplay focus

Bad Camera/Audio

The 20 Minutes of the TV/Music nearly destroyed the conference but they managed to pull it back with games again. 

EDIT: On second thought expectations were disproportionate, MS having high expectations and Sony having low expectations, this might color some people's views but that didn't have much of an effect in my evaluations.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

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I liked both and i also like the fact that sony showed alot of multiplat games aswell.
This fall will be awesome!

I've said it in another thread, but:

MS wins in the conference format department, short and to the point.

Sony wins in the games department.

Both were good IMO. I would give the edge to Sony because I'm more interested in the exclusives they showed. The Order, UC4, Blood Born, No Man's Sky and Grim Fandango did it for me. Maybe LBP3 too.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

They both kinda failed at what they should've done.

Overall MS maybe did a better job but I can't tell because I don't care for most of their games.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

They tie for me.

Around the Network

I mean no bias involved here: Sony clearly won. MS was all predictable 3rd party gameplay and throwaway CGI trailers.

What did MS announce apart from Halo? I missed most of it.

Sony had way more gameplay and exclusive focused:

Uncharted 4
Little big planet 3
The order
Blood borne (GAme of the show imo)
No mans sky
Grim Fandango
TLOU remaster
MAgicka 2

All exclusive.

think-man said:
What did MS announce apart from Halo? I missed most of it.

Forza 2, sunset overdrive gameplay, new ip from platinum games, crackdown 3 and multiplats i think thats most of it

Sony showed their muscle. Microsoft's conference was not terrible but much less exciting when compared to Sony's.