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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global Up! 31st May 2014

It was a bad move for MS to announce the price cut so early. It's possible that a lot of people simply aren't buying the X1 because they know a significantly cheaper version is around the corner. MS should've saved the announcement for E3, or if their E3 schedule is tight, post-E3 to keep the hype rolling. Bad move by MS imo.

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Nothing personal :) I simply enjoy it. I'm sure there will be weeks with good Xbox news and I'll grudgingly give credit if so.

I also am not afraid to call bullshots on anyone, as can be seen in my thread on there. Alpha omega sin is a friend of mine, and his video on fanboys is fairly close to how I feel, only I mix in a fair amount of old fashioned hatred.

Some men just want to see the world burn. Myself, I'm satisfied merely seeing xb1 get crushed globally. :D

Huge boost for PS4 with a mere 3rd party multi-platform game, albeit with some exclusive stuff thrown in to entice the punters to PS4. But it seems like WD was a "time to get into next gen" game even though it was cross gen. It is a pity that this "upgrade" game seems to be a rather buggy mess.

Great boost for Wii U with MK8. But ultimately it confirms that Wii U has little chance of significnatly improving its market position. But if Kinectless doesn't significantly improve Xb one's situation it's possible Wii U might compete well for the number 2 spot in the long term.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


I'll wait for Watch Dogs to drop to $15 and then pick it up. After Infamous SS, I'm still waiting for another reason to turn on my PS4 and I haven't turned on my XBone since Titanfall D:

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

This is what happens when I go to sleep early - I wake up to 350 posts to read. A lot of activity, but not surprising given those 2 huge releases this week.
But, most of the posters are dissatisfied, and i don't understand that. Is it that hard to actually be happy for once?

Mario Kart is a great game. It sold magnificently. WiiU received a 600% boost. That is awesome, wonderful an amazing rolled into one. Why do Nintendo fans have the need to be dissatisfied just because WiiU fell short of PS4 by a few thousand units. Given VGC's margin of error, but especially YTD sales, being a close #2 should be a reason to be excited and happy.

People doubt PS4's ability to increase sales by 60% - when in the UK it increased by almost 100%. So, basically a push given the bundling in Europe. But you need to realize that EU WD bundle was not PS4+free game, it was at an increased price.

XOne's numbers also realistic. Some people are waiting for the price drop. If you don't care about Kinect, it's a sensible thing to wait 10 days and then pick up WD and a console. And of course, all of XO's problems don't help its cause...

I believe that WiiU has a chance to ride the wave for a few more weeks, and it is still in the clouds to see what effect X1's Kinect unbundling will have on the system, but it will probably be a very close battle for 2n place in June, with WiiU edging out X1 in the end (in the US, in EU won't even be close).

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papamudd said:
Fusioncode said:

I don't see why anybody would think XBO is undertracked, most people are waiting for the Kinect-less bundle and Watch Dogs mainly had an effect on PS4.

come on you know why

are you calling me an xbox fanboy?!

PS4 Overtracked for sure by this site. Pretty much falling each week for awhile. Watch Dogs came out on PS3 too so why would people go buy a 500 dollar console for a game released on the older system.

DolPhanTendo said:
PS4 Overtracked for sure by this site pretty falling each week for awhile. Watch Dogs came out on PS3 too so why would people go buy a 500 dollar console for a game released on the older system.

PS4 is actually undertracked most tiimes.

DolPhanTendo said:
PS4 Overtracked for sure by this site pretty falling each week for awhile. Watch Dogs came out on PS3 too so why would people go buy a 500 dollar console for a game released on the older system.

Because people are silly

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

Troll_Whisperer said:
PS4 adjusted up and Xbox One adjusted down on previous weeks. Unless the kinectless Xbox does wonders, this generation is starting is looking very, very skewed towards Sony. Almost PS2-like.

That thread I started about Xbox One selling horribly in mainland Europe... it's even worse. Averaging 4k for a while now. Half the Wii U numbers in Japan... in all of mainland Europe! Dreadful. It's dead there.

Congratulations to Wii U for a good week. I hope the baseline of the console increases this year, the industry needs to be healthier than this. It would certainly deserve it with all the SW they are releasing.

i been saying XB1 numbers in EU have been horrid since launch. people would argue with me, but here we are and Sony is winning with a land slide. around 6:1 sales in EU in the week of a major game releasing? its bad, and i know i said i expected XB1 numbers to be undertracked in the thread, but i dont expect them to be undertracked in EU, but NA.