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Forums - Sales Discussion - Japan Sales 01/06/14 - Mario Kart 8 Week! (>325k SW, 19k HW)

NintendoPie said:
Seece said:

I say A) sales are too low to call that and B) lets wait to see Nintendo's strategy.

I say if it doesn't then the Wii U is the worst flop in history. With Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. it should definitely do better.

there are much worse things than wiiu...

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Seece said:

Why are you expecting MK to help holiday sales? 10k boost on launch week, why is it going to do anything in 30 weeks time?

I mean unless it's bundled with a meaningful price cut.

Because Mario Kart is a title that sells during the holiday? It's insentive, it doesn't have to be released during the holiday to have an affect on holiday sales.

Also, who says that won't happen? NSMBU and Wii Play U were both bundled later on for the holiday and both sold well, by Wii U standards. And, considering Japan hasn't had a pricecut or even a MK8 bundle, there is definitely improvements to be made.

tbone51 said:
NintendoPie said:

I say if it doesn't then the Wii U is the worst flop in history. With Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. it should definitely do better.

there are much worse things than wiiu...


Yeah, the Virtual Boy for example!

mii-gamer said:
tbone51 said:
Im going to say Hyrule Warriors give a bigger boost than MK8 did :P

Pikmin 3 gave a bigger boost than MK8.... go figure :0

What did you expect from Juri Ueno ( the goddess displayed in my avatar)

Yeah, Japanese Nintendo commercials without barefoot goddesses tend to suck...

Pikmin 3:

3D World:

Mario Kart 8 (sigh):

NintendoPie said:
Seece said:

I say A) sales are too low to call that and B) lets wait to see Nintendo's strategy.

I say if it doesn't then the Wii U is the worst flop in history. With Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. it should definitely do better.

Won't be the worst (but then it's all relative) was Dreamcast ever expected to do as well as WiiU?

But if WiiU does 15m~ it's closer to Dreamcast than it is Gamecube and Xbox Original.


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padib said:
Seece said:

Because. History. Do you even bother researching this stuff Padib. Pretty much every system has done better in their second holiday except WiiU.

The U is a struggling console with an exceptionally high launch trend. It basically plumetted after launch.

You can't use the trends for all consoles and simply apply them to any other console and then project that onto the intents of the posts of other users (e.g. Nintendo fans expected a higher W13 sales number over W12).

When we say games and price will improve sales, we are talking with respect to the low sales of the "bad" sales periods (ergo post launch).

Yes, I do my research, and I use the numbers I know responsibly.

You clearly don't. FYI I can say what I want, if games and price cut didn't help WiiU in Japan last holiday (and indeed WW) I don't see what's different about this holiday, I'm saying it'll be up in the air as to whether it'll be up/flat/down, whatever.

I'm not even using the trend that it was down YoY last holiday as to why it won't do much this holiday, rather its actual low sales and reaction to Nintendos interventions. You were the one claiming "how can you even say that blah blah blah" hence you didn't do your research as I pointed out to you, it already happened.


biglittlesps said:

So, its around 350k. Does it mean it sold 850+ in Europe and USA? So, i think Nintendo numbers are shipped may be. Lets see VGC numbers for USA and europe.

Dont expect NA + Japan + EU numbers to add up to 1,2 million. Nintendo included digital numbers in their sales figure and as far as I know that's not being tracked by anyone but Nintendo.

not trying to spin this, but was this a full week? I know that when we get the US Numbers it will be only include 1 day. I know a good majority sell the first day, but if Japan didn't have a full week we could easily see a 2nd week of 15-20k for people who didn't even know it came out.

Even here in the west I know a hand full of people who didn't buy MK 8 during the 1.2 million period. I also know a couple people who have to wait a week to buy a Wii U until they get paid next. (I know they should have bought it the payday before, but didn't buy into the hype until after it was released)

Michael-5 said:
theman1984 said:
Ps4 release a game last week and it did nothing double standards I'M Done nintendo proved that is successfully all that matters

Did Nintendo prove anything? Sony only released A game last week, Nintendo released THE game last week. Fir Nintendo's biggest IP to only add 10,000 sales is pretty meaningless. I'm actually expecting more of a boost from X.

Wait until FFXV releases in Japan, then PS4 sales will explode.


BTW there is SOME good news, WiiU only needs 40,000 more sales then last year to catch up. If it's selling 13,000 a week better that's only 3-4 weeks. Plus I expect a bigger holiday boost.

Bayonetta and Hyrule warriors as well as SSBB for the holidays will ensure it with MK8 providing a boost as well. More announcements expected as well. It should sell a million this year at least (in Japan) me thinks.

Seece said:
padib said:
Seece said:


Yes, I do my research, and I use the numbers I know responsibly.

You clearly don't. FYI I can say what I want, if games and price cut didn't help WiiU in Japan last holiday (and indeed WW) I don't see what's different about this holiday, I'm saying it'll be up in the air as to whether it'll be up/flat/down, whatever.

I'm not even using the trend that it was down YoY last holiday as to why it won't do much this holiday, rather its actual low sales and reaction to Nintendos interventions. You were the one claiming "how can you even say that blah blah blah" hence you didn't do your research as I pointed out to you, it already happened.

It didn't have a price cut in japan, do some research...