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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii U Outsells Xbox One

Nintendo and wii u have 3rd place on lock!

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you know, xbone didn't do nearly as bad as i think everybody was expecting. i still a a bit baffled as to how they have managed the numbers they have with everything that was going against them.

if you take a step back and take an objective look at it, it seems that ninteno should have this locked down easily because the software is much more appealing to people. however, since microsoft has surprised me at their launch, and have managed to outsell wii u all spring even with no releases and costing almost twice as much, i am not going to completely count them out.

i do think microsoft has a better chance than nintendo because microsoft has a lot of room for price drops. nintendo does too (more room than usual at this point in the console cycle), but microsoft has more. and i thinkn that is what is going to end up winning it for them.

I think Wii U can beat Xbox One but only if they can market the heck out of it using the hype of Mario Kart 8.

Beating the Xbone for the rest of the year shouldn't to be too hard for the Wii U really. I keep telling everyone that the multiplat effect is slowly killing them and once it gets to a certain point they're just going to fall off. Nintendo just has to get out of its own way.

The Wii U's expected lineup for the rest of the year is looking pretty damn amazing. They're riding high on the Mario Kart sales right now, and if their E3 is half as exciting as people are hyping it up to be, then those numbers won't see the kind of drop off MS fans are expecting.

Wii U has Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors, X, and Smash all listed as 2014. Some of the expected announcements for down the road are Zelda U and a new Metroid Prime. It's a big deal because not only are they all games with dedicated followings, but they're branched out from the Nintendo mainstays of Platformer/Kart/Adventure, and thus could sell more hardware, even if they aren't as popular, by virtue of the fact that your average Character Action Game, Musou, Fighter, or FPS fans aren't going to have a Wii U yet, so they may sell disproportionately large numbers of units compared to another critically acclaimed Mario title.

And lets be honest, if anything is going to wake the sleeping Japanese market and sell systems, it'd be a highly sexualized, over-the-top anime-inspired, fetish woman, a Musou game inspired by Zelda, an adventure JRPG type game loaded with mecha, and Smash.

All I really see for Xbone are big multiplats for them to lose more ground on Sony with. I'm sure they'll have a couple surprises at E3, but if Nintendo does announce Zelda U and Metroid Prime they'll steal the show and we all know it.

The second place will be for Sega with the dreamcast 2.

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By end of gen it will be #1 Ps4 by a decent margin. #2 will be Wii U 2.0 or what ever they decide to name the new console they are releasing relatively soon #3 will likely be Xb1 due to lack of games and #4 will be traditional Wii U.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

flash in the pan, or a look into the future?

well for the sake of the war i'll say WiiU will take second while XB1 comes in the 3rd.

realistically, 3rd is anyone's game.

DeadBigfoot21 said:
thismeintiel said:
Seece said:

It will. There is a huge PS3/360 userbase and we're not gonna see PS2 sort of dominance from PS4, MS have too much for that to happen again.

They're not going from an 90m (eventually) install base to something like 20m when they're offering a viable product for PS3/360 owners to upgrade too. Especially as they continue to eliminate reasons to get a PS4 over XB1. Better multiplatform games (never stopped PS3 doing well) is not going to overcome Microsoft and their wallet.

WiiU on the otherhand will not react to any of Nintendos efforts because the problem is with the system itself not having a clear demographic to aim at.


And if you think MS is going to spend money like it did during the OG XB and 360 days, think again.  They have big investors starting slight rumbles with talk of a spin-off or selling of the Xbox brand, since it still hasn't been profitable, overall, and they probably see the way this gen is playing out.  They don't want MS throwing money down a hole, just to come in a distant 2nd.  And we have even had Gates, himself, say he would be fine with a spin-off of the Xbox brand.  While they may never do it, they are at least seriously discussing it as an option.  And after the gap has grown as large as it will this year (anywhere from  ~6M to 10M, depending on how the holidays/game announcements play out), companies are going to be demanding more money from MS if they want the game exclusive, true or timed.

Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella says he has no plans to sell off the company's Xbox business, despite longtime urging from investors.

Reread the bold.  Plans can always change/form.

This also doesn't change the fact that MS is not going to be throwing money around like the they did the past two gens.  Not while the heat from investors has been newly sparked.  And definitely not while publishers asking price for exclusivity is going to go up for them as the PS4 widens the gap.

^^LOL guess you didn't get the memo. Phil is the man now so the xbox we knew before is not the same now. Plus 1 billion dollars invested in a year only say otherwise. Everybody who keeps thinking microsoft will do the same with the xbox one (halo, gears, fable) is just dead wrong. Xbox has a new role and head now and he is a gamer at heart. More exclusives will come along with great looking multiplat games. Same with the ps4, great exclusives and multiplats.

TheLastStarFighter said:
PS4 should eventually win second place.

Yes, even thought the ps4 has outsold the wiiU every single week its existed. Including the launch of the wiiU's biggest game to date (which I'm a bit confused about the bump in sales). There is no evidence suggesting that the xbox one or wiiU is going to beat the ps4 at this point in time. Second son (which would be considered a smaller title than mario kart by most) shot the ps4 up to higher numbers. One week of very good sales for the wiiU does not mark the turn around of the console. They need to be sustained. Which we don't know if they will be or no. And based on how the AAA bump usually works, I'd bet that this increase will not be sustained. I'd guess the bump will be longer than most, but still not permanent.