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Beating the Xbone for the rest of the year shouldn't to be too hard for the Wii U really. I keep telling everyone that the multiplat effect is slowly killing them and once it gets to a certain point they're just going to fall off. Nintendo just has to get out of its own way.

The Wii U's expected lineup for the rest of the year is looking pretty damn amazing. They're riding high on the Mario Kart sales right now, and if their E3 is half as exciting as people are hyping it up to be, then those numbers won't see the kind of drop off MS fans are expecting.

Wii U has Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors, X, and Smash all listed as 2014. Some of the expected announcements for down the road are Zelda U and a new Metroid Prime. It's a big deal because not only are they all games with dedicated followings, but they're branched out from the Nintendo mainstays of Platformer/Kart/Adventure, and thus could sell more hardware, even if they aren't as popular, by virtue of the fact that your average Character Action Game, Musou, Fighter, or FPS fans aren't going to have a Wii U yet, so they may sell disproportionately large numbers of units compared to another critically acclaimed Mario title.

And lets be honest, if anything is going to wake the sleeping Japanese market and sell systems, it'd be a highly sexualized, over-the-top anime-inspired, fetish woman, a Musou game inspired by Zelda, an adventure JRPG type game loaded with mecha, and Smash.

All I really see for Xbone are big multiplats for them to lose more ground on Sony with. I'm sure they'll have a couple surprises at E3, but if Nintendo does announce Zelda U and Metroid Prime they'll steal the show and we all know it.