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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii U Outsells Xbox One

It's obvious for everyone PS4 and Sony are this console generation winners.

The really interesting console war is between Microsoft and Nintendo.

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Wyrdness said:
Seece said:

$80 price cut, not Mario kart. You're vastly over estimating Mario Karts power here

WiiU isn't going to tell to anyone but Nintendo fans if all it has is an exclusive coming out once every few months and no third party to prop up the library.

No the price cut came months before MK7 and gave the 3DS a one or two week bump then sales dropped again, MK7 is what trigger the 3DS to sell decently as it gave it momentum and was then follow by other games like SM3DL, MH4, KH and all. No third party yet funny enough it so far looks like the only console with numerous releases in the run up to the holiday time and games you can't get elsewhere giving it its own identity, X1 has third party games but people are clearly opting for the PS4 versions which hurts it far more as that's meant to be a major strength of the platform. The Wii U doesn't tell fans Nintendo's Marketing does like it did with MK8, I don't think X1 and Wii U will be that far apart at all as sales go as normally it's one main console does well in a gen while the other two are neck and neck.

yes you are probably right.

It's very possible

It will be ps2 vs game cube and xbox all over again.

War shmar. Stop it!! Wii U is for families mostly. Xbox is for single people and unless they are playing fifa or COD local multiplayer, it's a completely different experience and always will be. The Xbox one can not do what the Wii U does and the Wii U cannot do what the xbox one does. Can we all agree? Ok then, it's not a competition because they are in different sports, playing different games and the big corporations don't need to advertise because so many creepy little fan boys and girls just spend their days smashing the competition and talking nonsense to talk up their mommy console. The need to troll, shows a huge personality disorder and insecurity at its highest level.


Do you need approval from others to feel good about even your choice of video game console? Yeesh!! That's unfortunate.

XOne is still selling a reasonable baseline of 50k+ most weeks considering it's a $500 machine, that's not *that* bad.

Once it gets down to $399.99 and the library fills out more there's no reason not to expect the baseline to rise to at least 60k+ most weeks ... I don't think the Wii U can match that over the long haul, it will be back down to 30-40k a week soon enough.

I also think MS' new leadership has the XBox division moving in the right direction, no offense but Iwata and company has mismanaged the sh*t out of Nintendo the last 3-4 years and I don't think there are any changes coming as Nintendo is fairly slow to adapt/change. Granted to be fair to Iwata I think they've been impacted more by the smartphone/tablet revolution than Sony/MS because of the reliance on casuals and to an extent there's only so much that could have been done to avoid this. 

SnK0610 said:
It's obvious for everyone PS4 and Sony are this console generation winners.

The really interesting console war is between Microsoft and Nintendo.

It LOOKS that way (at the momement) But they still have to actully sell most consoles before the gen is over.. and we saw last gen, that nothing is sure so early in the gen.. There will be new models, services, game and "preperials" and lot of other things still waiting to happen

On a sales side like this (where people saw a lot of "gamechange" last gen, and where all 3 was best selling at some point) knows that a 3-5 mill lead (so early in the gen) do not mean 100% winner.

But keep up your hope.. it looking good at moment, and after E3, we may have a even better picture (at least for the next 2 years)

(and HD>Bluray)

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Xbox One has second place locked up. Wii U has a MAJOR uphill battle if it wants to stay ahead.

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Xbox One - PS4 - Wii U - PC

I have thought for a while, even with the high Xbox One sales at first that Nintendo has no less then 2nd place on lockdown this gen. They made bad choices of what games to develop and bring out in the earliest part of it's lifecycle. If by the end of 2013 they had Mario Kart, Smash Bros, and Hyrule Warriors instead of NSMBU, Pikmin, and Wind Waker HD, then the Wii U would have been going great and then those other games would have been fine additions to the library and would have given console sales a small bump here and there. Instead they went with the B-Level title 1st and they really suffered for it.

Xbox One is fighting a steep uphill battle this gen though. Gamers for reasons we all know have latched on to PS4, even when Xbox One has a larger and from all accounts better 1st party library, which includes a new IP 1st person shooter in Titanfall which should do big money. Watch Dogs came out and it gave Xbox One no bump at all while PS4 saw a big one, which says alot on it's own. On top of that as time has gone on now, the Wii U has become the "hardcore gamer" console with games like Pikmin and Wonderful 101, which hasn't led to massive sales but now that casual (and hardcore) favorites like Mario Kart are arriving the Wii U is becoming a must have console for many people. It doesn't hurt either that the quality (going by reviewer scores) for games on Wii U have been absolutely outstanding and the console is starting to shape up as having one of the highest rated libraries that we have ever seen.

Nintendo had strong titles before Mario Kart.

The reason Mario Kart sold do much is also very strong marketing.

They should release more popular titles with aggressive marketing.

That might work.

XBox One will beat the Wii U pretty easily once they get their hardware price down (same problem the PS3 had early on). They have the full third party community behind them and they haven't really released any of their big guns yet aside from Titanfall.

Nintendo has actually spent most of its big sellers ... of the top 15 selling Wii titles, most now have a sequel/equivalent on the Wii U already, especially now that Mario Kart 8 is out. Nintendo doesn't have very many cards left to play.

Smash Bros. will help but that will be on the 3DS too, which I think will split sales to a degree, but either way Smash is not as big of a franchise as Mario Kart anyway. Zelda is a smaller franchise than either one. Metroid, X, Bayonetta, etc. aren't doing any more for Wii U sales than DKC did.

WII U will continue to sell more than XB1 for a few weeks because of MK. But XB1 still in second place for sure. WII U need a massive of Mario games to help it outsell XB1 for the year.

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