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XOne is still selling a reasonable baseline of 50k+ most weeks considering it's a $500 machine, that's not *that* bad.

Once it gets down to $399.99 and the library fills out more there's no reason not to expect the baseline to rise to at least 60k+ most weeks ... I don't think the Wii U can match that over the long haul, it will be back down to 30-40k a week soon enough.

I also think MS' new leadership has the XBox division moving in the right direction, no offense but Iwata and company has mismanaged the sh*t out of Nintendo the last 3-4 years and I don't think there are any changes coming as Nintendo is fairly slow to adapt/change. Granted to be fair to Iwata I think they've been impacted more by the smartphone/tablet revolution than Sony/MS because of the reliance on casuals and to an extent there's only so much that could have been done to avoid this.