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Forums - Sports Discussion - The Football Thread - 17/18 Season

Wow, that's a huge surprise. Costa Rica did great.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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osed125 said:

Hahaha that's what you get fukcing Uruguayans for calling Costa Rica "Costa Poor"

I don't know where did you get that from, but as someone that lives in Uruguay, it's the first time I ever hear that (absolutely idiotic) phrase. It's not like we even have a history of rivalry with you or anything negative in particular. Please try not to make this kind of broad statements in the future. I can assure you that a comment like that wouldn't come from most of us.

In any case, congratulations to your country. We played awful, and the result fairly represents it.

kowenicki said:
sterling through the middle by all accounts... excellent.

Wouldnt expect him to stay there.

Im really hoping we see Sterling and Ox on both wings at some point though. So much pace.


seiya19 said:
osed125 said:

Hahaha that's what you get fukcing Uruguayans for calling Costa Rica "Costa Poor"

I don't know where did you get that from, but as someone that lives in Uruguay, it's the first time I ever hear that (absolutely idiotic) phrase. It's not like we even have a history of rivalry with you or anything negative in particular. Please try not to make this kind of broad statements in the future. I can assure you that a comment like that wouldn't come from most of us.

In any case, congratulations to your country. We played awful, and the result fairly represents it.

I apologize, It was the heat of the moment. The ones who said it were some people from the Uruguayan sport media. Sorry for sounding like a douche.  

Nintendo and PC gamer

RolStoppable said:
seiya19 said:
osed125 said:

Hahaha that's what you get fukcing Uruguayans for calling Costa Rica "Costa Poor"

I don't know where did you get that from, but as someone that lives in Uruguay, it's the first time I ever hear that (absolutely idiotic) phrase. It's not like we even have a history of rivalry with you or anything negative in particular. Please try not to make this kind of broad statements in the future. I can assure you that a comment like that wouldn't come from most of us.

In any case, congratulations to your country. We played awful, and the result fairly represents it.

What? I thought osed125 is from Venezuela. Which would perfectly explain why he spits so much venom at other South American countries.

I am Venezuelan from birth, but nothing else...I don't want anything to do with Venezuela at this point in time.

Nintendo and PC gamer

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kowenicki said:

The three behind sturridge will be mobile,  switching positions regularly I would imagine.

And we have Barkley too.

I have high hopes for our front line.


RolStoppable said:
osed125 said:
RolStoppable said:

What? I thought osed125 is from Venezuela. Which would perfectly explain why he spits so much venom at other South American countries.

I am Venezuelan from birth, but nothing else...I don't want anything to do with Venezuela at this point in time.


Maybe I didn't mix you up with someone else then. Were you the guy who made the thread about the presidental election in Venezuela that ultimately got rigged until things were the same as they were before the election?

Yep that was me. After those last elections I don't want anything to do with Venezuela; I'm sick of my country and it's political situation.

Nintendo and PC gamer

Whoa, just looked at the English squad and my god are they young this year. Well guess it's good signs for the future then. Not sure how you will go this year but as an Arsenal fan I hope to see Wilshere and Ox get some time. Wish Walcott could have been there too 😔

Also as a true Aussie I have no choice but to support England in this match. We shall never forgive you Italy.

osed125 said:

I apologize, It was the heat of the moment. The ones who said it were some people from the Uruguayan sport media. Sorry for sounding like a douche.

That's ok, I understand. ^_^ I can't think of anyone here in the sports media who would make such a dumb comment, but we do have a few who are far from clever, so I guess it's possible someone said that in passing... It sounds more like something an average troll would say, and, as we all know, no country is without them.