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Sigh...well that's the end of Sonic Boom. Certainly not the most hyped or deserving game to win, but didn't deserve the hatred it got.


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HylianSwordsman said:
Sigh...well that's the end of Sonic Boom. Certainly not the most hyped or deserving game to win, but didn't deserve the hatred it got.


Well, at least it lasted more than games like FFXV! That's something if you ask me!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

AZWification said:

Well, at least it lasted more than games like FFXV! That's something if you ask me!

FFXV was caught in a war. I'm more surprised it lasted longer than several decently popular things that weren't caught in a war. Like Destiny, Fable, Quantum Break, or Driveclub. It definitely did well for what it is. It got a lot of upvotes!

HylianSwordsman said:

FFXV was caught in a war. I'm more surprised it lasted longer than several decently popular things that weren't caught in a war. Like Destiny, Fable, Quantum Break, or Driveclub. It definitely did well for what it is. It got a lot of upvotes!

On the other hand, Yarn Yoshi sits there with 28 points because everyone is ignoring  it!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

AZWification said:

On the other hand, Yarn Yoshi sits there with 28 points because everyone is ignoring  it!