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+ Kingdom Hearts 3
- Dragon Age 3

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

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-Kingdom Hearts 3

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+ Uncharted 4
- Halo 5

whoops, little early.

fleischr said:
DexInDaJungle said:
fleischr said:
+ X. Wha happened? Seems like some people are getting jelly of the WiiU getting the JRPG of the generation if you ask me
- Earthlock. I don't get why an indie RPG should be so high on this list.

lol WAY too early to deem it the JRPG of the generation, especially since most of the big JRPG developers have yet to even announce any next gen projects aside from Square. Let's wait till something like the Tales of Series hits the PS4/Xbox One before we make these claims :P

I don't think it's too bold of an idea. I mean Xenoblade Chronicles is largely considered the JRPG of last gen, so why not the sequel?

No it's not. Maybe on VGC, but not overall. I don't know a single person outside vgc who has even heard of the game. It's a niche game which didn't sell extremely well. I don't see how anyone can make such a claim.

+ Kingdom Hearts 3
- Sonic Boom

naruball said:
fleischr said:

I don't think it's too bold of an idea. I mean Xenoblade Chronicles is largely considered the JRPG of last gen, so why not the sequel?

No it's not. Maybe on VGC, but not overall. I don't know a single person outside vgc who has even heard of the game. It's a niche game which didn't sell extremely well. I don't see how anyone can make such a claim.

A lot of people outside the gaming community don't know what Xenogears, Chrono Trigger, Lunar, or Suikoden II are either, what's your point?