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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Upcoming Games - Hurt & Heal GAME *Read the rules*

JoeTheBro said:
If it's cool with you, here's my next round a few minutes early.

-Far Cry 4

Just post it when it hits 4 hours please.

If I start letting one person bend the rules everybody will want too.


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- Dragon Age

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

-kingdom hearts

HylianSwordsman said:
naruball said:

See, here's the thing. Out of all the games available I kept seeing people having the +x -xv combo which makes little sense to me. There are tons of games there and out of all the genres, they choose to downvote an RPG? I don't see how from what we've seen about XV it could be the worst game and needs to be downvoted. It seems to me that it comes from Ninty fans who don't like the idea that Xv won't be availble on wiiu (despite coming to xbone), so they downvote it. Which, to me, sounds silly. So, my - vote for X is to show just how silly it appears to me. Out of all the Ninty games, it's definitely the most promising based on my tastes. But I just don't like this attitude.

Funny to see so many potentially good games like Uncharted 4 almost out so quickly just because they're ps exclusives. I'm glad that Halo hasn't suffered from this. The franchise's history doesn't seem to show any reason not to expect something great again (I'm saying this having no interest in an fps game).

So, like I said, there's a war. You think voting down an RPG that the person obviously thinks is promising is silly, yet you do it yourself? Okay. I never said Nintendo fans were faultless, and indeed, X being on Ninty is probably the main reason they're so hyped for it. I don't think FFXV not being on Ninty is why they're downvoting it. Let's be honest, most RPG fans have more than one system, usually Sony, often Nintendo, and often enough all three, so as to get access to everything out there. As for FFXV specifically, it's the most hyped RPG out their right now, so X fans in this thread see it as the biggest rival. Also, after the XIII series, many RPG fans distrust FF, so that's a factor for why it's being targeted, even by non-X fans. It's to spite the hype. I'm personally not touching FFXV in this thread, because from what little I've seen, I feel hopeful, and want to believe it'll be a return to glory. I'm distrustful though, so I'm not upvoting it either. Also, it's obviously going to die. I'm just complaining because even though I'd love to see X win, I'd be happy with any RPG winning, and the best strategy for that is to not vote down RPGs out of spite for not being your favorite of the genre. Ultimately, if people want to vote that way they will, but I see nothing wrong with voicing the pattern I'm seeing, to see if anyone might agree and want to change their strategy.

There's nothing wrong with RPGS fans NOT voting for FFXV. But voting it down out of all the games? Let's be real...

+ Kingdom Hearts 3
- X

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Uncharted 4+
-Halo 5

+ KH3

+ Kingdom Hearts 3

- Uncharted 4

+ Far Cry 4
- Alien: Isolation ---- eliminated!!!

+ the witness
-alien isolation

- halo 5

i've got nothing against alien but i saw it sitting there with two points anf wanted to be the one to put a bullet in its head. top 30 guys!!


edit: beaten by being a slow typer