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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Upcoming Games - Hurt & Heal GAME *Read the rules*

celador said:
Fusioncode said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Yay, now I don't have to watch people desperately keep up voting it.

Upvoting a game people are looking forward to is considered "desperate"?

This is the problem with the entire thread.  It's a decent idea in theory but what it actually turns into is whatever console fanbase votes most regularly vote to make their console of choice look better.  The Order and Driveclub are gone, but Dyling Light and Fantasia are still on there.  

So in other words this thread is like any other poll/opinion thread on any forum ever. The side with the most active posters will have their agenda win out. I don't see the point in getting worked up about it and complaining like so many posts in this thread have done.

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J_Allard said:

So in other words this thread is like any other poll/opinion thread on any forum ever. The side with the most active posters will have their agenda win out. I don't see the point in getting worked up about it and complaining like so many posts in this thread have done.

I'm certainly not worked up about it, just pointing things out.  It would have been better to do three individual threads for Wii U, PS4 and X1 imo, and maybe after E3 seeing as things could totally change in just two weeks.

J_Allard said:

So in other words this thread is like any other poll/opinion thread on any forum ever. The side with the most active posters will have their agenda win out. I don't see the point in getting worked up about it and complaining like so many posts in this thread have done.

My strategy after wasting my first two votes.  I know Xbox fans will continue to downvote Playstation exclusives and Playstation fans will continue to downvote Xbox exclusives, so I'm going to upvote those games while downvoting the middle tier games I think have a chance of winning.  It gives an extra point for people to waste a downvote on, and by the time people are voting on the middle tier games, maybe the games that have a chance at winning might be low enough where other people take those out.  I'm not going to downvote games like Call of Duty etc any longer because I know other people will.

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And for God's sake, this is just a game! Would you all stop whining and vote!?