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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Upcoming Games - Hurt & Heal GAME *Read the rules*

NobleTeam360 said:
Thanks for the update Slade Seece.

Fixed xD">"><img src="

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JayWood2010 said:
Slade6alpha said:
Got an update from Seece. As soon as it hits 0 it is eliminated. If it gets 0 and then "+" it is negated. Negative numbers also spell elimination.

Ok.  So THe Order, CoD, and Driveclub are all elminated.  Good to know.  THanks for the update :)

This is correct sir!">"><img src="

NobleTeam360 said:

+ Final Fantasy XV
- The Order

So long, The Order. May you find some innovative gameplay elements or improved gunplay in your delay.

+Quantam Break
-Final Fantasy XV (Its score is too high! )


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

+Sunset Overdrive
-Final Fantasy XV

Gotta agree, too high


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NobleTeam360 said:
Yay, now I don't have to watch people desperately keep up voting it.

Upvoting a game people are looking forward to is considered "desperate"?

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Fusioncode said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Yay, now I don't have to watch people desperately keep up voting it.

Upvoting a game people are looking forward to is considered "desperate"?

Not what I said, the game was going to die either way so why waste your time voting for it? Same with Sunset Overdrive, it's going to die so I'm not going to waste my time voting for it anymore. (Not that I ever voted for The Order or Sunset anyway)

+ Bayonetta 2
- Fantasia

-Witcher 3

+ uncharted 4
- sunset overdrive