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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Upcoming Games - Hurt & Heal GAME *Read the rules*

+ D4

- The Witness

Around the Network

+ Dragon Age

- The Evil Within

+ Zelda
- The Crew (dead)

At least with Halo and Uncharted dead it'll be less of a war . . . I think.

TheGoldenBoy said:

At least with Halo and Uncharted dead it'll be less of a war . . . I think.

People always find something to fight about

Around the Network
Angelus said:
TheGoldenBoy said:

At least with Halo and Uncharted dead it'll be less of a war . . . I think.

People always find something to fight about

Yeah they'll probably start killing Nintendo games next.

+ the witness
- zelda

+ Kingdom Hearts
- Mario Kart

+ The Division imagine playing this game on a 4K native monitor with 18 million pixels on screen oh how delicious that sounds, the effects are also stunning OMG the engine video. I love you Snowdrop engine, everybody needs to SLI/crossfire this motherf***** just for this game or buy a Titan Z Gpu if you are in the money producing business.
-Deep Down

+ Kingdom Hearts III
- The Evil Within