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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - British mag unveiling Goldeneye on XBLA this Wednessday?

On sale Wednesday, the latest issue of Xbox World 360 blows open Rare's retooled classic with never-seen shots and hands-on details. How different is it? What improvements have been made? What does it feel like on the 360 pad? And how can we make sure this incredible remake does see the light of day? Xbox World 360 tells all.

Update: We know that the magazine article will have details and impressions about the XBLA version of GoldenEye 007 when it was being developed, but its current development status is very much up in the air. The accepted word on the street is that the game is still at a canceled status, it's just that Xbox World 360 has information regarding the game when it was being worked on. We apologize for the confusion.

My thoughts:

Uh oh... the important line here is "how we can make sure this incredible remake does see the light of day." Sounds like these guys just broke a press blackout to try and tout a game, which could mean some baaaaaad stuff is going to happen. Major lawsuits, and possibly the end of the magazine.

Obviously Microsoft wouldn't be giving some random British magazine a big exclusive like this. It looks like this is the game that was developed then not published because of licensing disputes, and from their wording nothing has changed, except this magazine's future. These people are going to be in trouble. Good to know it exists though I guess... I'm sure we'll find out more Wednessday, at the funeral of Xbox World 360 magazine.

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catches breath


 edit : *reads bottom lines* *sits down relaxed*

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!



This seriously sucks for Wii owners if we never see that game on VC. I wonder how they...

A. made a deal with Nintendo
B. rewrote enough code to cut Nintendo out.

why not make it for the VC it was an n64 game

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!

bet with *no one yet* that the combined first week of Monster Hunter 3 in america and europe will be 600k or more! winner changes looser sig and avatar for two months!

superchunk said:

This seriously sucks for Wii owners if we never see that game on VC. I wonder how they...

A. made a deal with Nintendo
B. rewrote enough code to cut Nintendo out.

Read carefully, and read my thoughts.  This game hasn't been given license to be published clearly.  These guys just broke a major press blackout on a game that's still in licensing dispute... bad decision.

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Damn, I wouldn't hesitate to buy that. I loved the original, but I don't have an N64 anymore, plus it looks very polished up from the original. Here's hoping that this went through. *crosses fingers*

Kingdom Hearts 3 Bet: If Kingdom Hearts 3 becomes a multiplaform title/is not Wii exclusive then I will be banished from this land for 1 week and sing my praises to those who have proved themselves to be more intelligent than I.">
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Not details about the current state of affairs, but info about what went on before it was canned.

Static ultrarealistic backgrounds ... new textures ... pretty pretty.

Shame, really

Shit, if ninty won't let them release it, I say do the same to Perfect Dark. Cause that was the hotness.

Mistershine said:
Not details about the current state of affairs, but info about what went on before it was canned.

I added the important update to the topic.

If this is real or not...we shall see.

Xbox Live would the perfect place for this game. Plus if I have to play another game i love on the VC using that retro pad I will seriously hurt my cat. Does not work for Street Fighter very well...