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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should Square-Enix utilize Enix and Quest more?(Also ranting)

I don't mean the developers themselves, because obviously they're being used. I mean the franchises. A lot of what I'm seeing coming from Square retreads Final Fantasy in one way or another, even if it's supposed to be an original IP. I would really like it if Quest can work on Ogre Battle and Tactics Ogre again. They haven't done anything with that series since Square acquired them.

Doesn't Enix also have rights to develop and publish games based off ActRaiser, E.V.O., Illusion of Gaia and Soul Blazer? Even if they don't, couldn't Square-Enix acquire the rights for nothing. I don't think many of those development studios even exist anymore, or are basically out of work. Quintet developed most of the best Enix games and could be acquired for next to nothing.

I just feel like Square's lineup is getting stale next to their amazing SNES and PS1 output. Even Square has so many franchises it's dropped that could really shine again. How about a new Einhander for XBLA/PSN? What about revitalizing Bushido Blade for the Wii? A new Front Mission for the DS? Brave Fencer Musashi for the Wii to compliment Zelda? Parasite Eve for 360 and PS3?

All I see out of Square nowadays is ports, ranging from poor to great, but still ports. Tactics for the PSP was great, but a sequel would have been better. FF I & II on PSP were very quick cash ins, and I feel like more time should be devoted to new games. Front Mission on the DS should have been a sequel, not a port of the original. I know most are going to disagree with me, but I don't even want the FFVII remake everyone begs for. That's years of development that could be used on something we haven't played yet. Square takes enough time to make games as it is, for them to use so much manpower on porting what WAS great about them years back.

Anybody with me on any of this or is the ranting too much? 

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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The lack of enix games is why I dislike the merger of square enix. 

Yes. I'd like to see just about anything from the company besides more FF ports/spinoffs. I always wonder what Squaresoft might have accomplished by now if it hadn't turned so conservative and afraid of risk-taking after the Spirits Within flop. That really castrated the company. It's difficult to even imagine now, but Square used to be an innovative company with a very high annual output of games -- many of them new IPs. 

  I never followed Enix much, but yeah... really, anything they could do besides squeezing the life out of FF would help.

I know most are going to disagree with me, but I don't even want the FFVII remake everyone begs for.

Here's my one exception. But more than a remake, I'd be interested in high-def versions of the PS1 FF games available for download on the PS network. If they changed nothing else but the resolution, I'd be happy.


make a remake of Robotrek for crying outloud.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Well Enix didn'tmake a lot of their own games, they usually got smaller developers to do them (ActRaiser and Soul Blazer series done by Quintet, for example) who they would normally have short-to-long relationships with, generally when they parted ways those franchises were over and not coming back.

Still it would be nice to see more of that Enix originality popping up.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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I agree, we need more Enix, but Square is even ignoring their own franchises. I want a Chrono game!

I completly agree on most points in this. I too want a chrono game, or another saga of the gaia games(terrinigma p was great, think it was enix that made them could be wrong).
At the same time I want square to actually come up with something new. It feels like since the merger they haven't created anything outside of sequals or ports.

Enix doesn't make DQ anymore, Level 5 does, and they do it much better than Enix ever did. Most of Square-Enix's remaining good franchises aren't made in house. (DQ, Star Ocean).

I would love a new Bushido Blade. Expanding the SoulBlazer Universe would be awesome. Totally loved Illusion of Gaia/ Terranigma. Actually getting good new secret of mana and chrono trigger games would be the best thing ever.

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ClaudeLv250 said:

Well Enix didn'tmake a lot of their own games, they usually got smaller developers to do them (ActRaiser and Soul Blazer series done by Quintet, for example) who they would normally have short-to-long relationships with, generally when they parted ways those franchises were over and not coming back.

Still it would be nice to see more of that Enix originality popping up.

I know they didn't develop them, but how hard would it be for Square-Enix to just buy Quintet? They haven't made anything in years. I don't know where the ties to the license are, with Enix or Quintet but it wouldn't cost much of anything to get a license for ActRaiser, Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia or E.V.O.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.