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Forums - General Discussion - How to water a plant

I just like to buy them and watch them die over the course of a few weeks without water.

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lolita said:
Actually I only own a bamboo whom I call Mr.Bamboo, very original I know, gave a name to get attached to it so that I remember taking care of him.

He gets special care. No tap water, because they contain chemical elements that reduce bateria level but those chemicals aren't good for bamboos, so he gets natural spring water.

I change his water once a week. I give him light but never directly. I sometimes spray his leaves with the same type water, he's very green, has lots of leaves and seems happy. :) Also he's a lucky health bamboo. ^_^

I want to be Mr. Bamboo.

Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078 

lolita said:
Actually I only own a bamboo whom I call Mr.Bamboo, very original I know, gave a name to get attached to it so that I remember taking care of him.

He gets special care. No tap water, because they contain chemical elements that reduce bateria level but those chemicals aren't good for bamboos, so he gets natural spring water.

I change his water once a week. I give him light but never directly. I sometimes spray his leaves with the same type water, he's very green, has lots of leaves and seems happy. :) Also he's a lucky health bamboo. ^_^

Pics or it didn't happen.

pichu_pichu said:
what if its a cactus?

 My cactuses will rot and die about a year after I get them. I then pull out the roots as an autopsie and see that they never spread out. The roots have kept the shape of the pot I bought them in. 


What am I doing wrong? (this is a serious question) 

Erm you need to change the pot and give him a bigger one... It seems so obvious! XD

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If you have bonsai plants you have to water them before the tips of the leaves turn grey. If you wait that long they're probably already past saving.

And Mr.Bamboo and me pic (I know you were joking but meh I'm bored anyways):


lolita said:
Erm you need to change the pot and give him a bigger one... It seems so obvious! XD

Oh,I do change the pot for a much much bigger one, but when I pull on the plant, the roots are the same shape as the old pot, so the roots never expanded into the new cactus soil that their much bigger pot affords them.


EDIT: Thanks anyways. :) I replied here so that the thread can die and I didn't want to bother you with a PM. 

okay so now we know how to water a plant..


do you also know how to plant a water?!

it's boggling my brain...

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!