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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - "Halo 5: Guardians" revealed : Fall 2015. More Halo at E3 for 2014 (Halo 2 ?)

I will be more than happy if they show it at this E3. Also they need to keep on their words. 60 fps is a must.

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kowenicki said:


However, If certain other games got a release date posted here then orgasms woud happen on this forum. 

Hell, if certain games only got a sniff of a leak of a release date we'd have a 100 post thread in minutes about "jizz" and "fapping".

Take it for what it is and stop turning everything into an opportunity for a dig.


How about you stop taking everything as a dig? Some people are like you described, but that doesn't mean I am, for example I was mighty pissed of after I stayed up for Sonys stupid launch event, just to get nothing but this completely worthless Uncharted teaser.

I also hate it when Sony announces announcements.

So my stance would've been the same if this was Sony news, announcements like this are imo pointless.

UltimateUnknown said:

Shouldn't they be saving these big news for E3? They're announcing everything before hand and unless they have so much to show at the stage that they couldn't fit it all in, I really think they should wait until E3 with maybe a few teasers to hype everyone up.

I mean the news MS has been putting out would normally blow the roof off the E3 venue. I could just imagine how epic it would have been to hear them announce everything they've announced so far on stage at E3.

This is just a name and release window. Not big news that cant still be shown at E3. We'll most likely be seeing a full story trailer for Halo 5 and a Halo 2 gameplay trailer with Halo 5 beta info at E3

kowenicki said:
eFKac said:
kowenicki said:
eFKac said:
So much for a 2014 release date on which MS insisted. Shame cause I liked the pretty CGI cutscenes from Halo 4

No they didnt.

Take your baiting elsewhere.  Its tedious.

Baiting? You're way to sensitive...

First 2014 in the E3 trailer, after that the Rob Semsey tweets in Jan, I can dig for more.


They said the journey begins in 2014.

Which this also refers to and it was about the Halo joirney on Xbox ONE.

They never mentioned Halo 5 ever.


They were intentionally mis leading but you right they never said Halo 5 would be that journey.

kowenicki said:
DerNebel said:

How about you stop taking everything as a dig? Some people are like you described, but that doesn't mean I am, for example I was mighty pissed of after I stayed up for Sonys stupid launch event, just to get nothing but this completely worthless Uncharted teaser.

I also hate it when Sony announces announcements.

So my stance would've been the same if this was Sony news, announcements like this are imo pointless.

My point stands.  If a tweet came, just a tweet, with a date for Uncharted then this forum would explode. 

Allow people who like halo to be excited, is that so difficult?

I am, if people get excited over this, great. I'm still allowed to voice my opinion though, which is all I did. ;)

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I agree that the news this reveal gave us was pretty much expected and more or less already known but this is probably supposed to hype their E3 conference.

They stressed this years Halo will be a big leap without saying what it will be, and after hearing that I have some doubts about it being an Anniversary Edition of Halo 2.

A prequel (edit: to the sequel Halo 5, Boderlands-style) maybe? The teaser-artwork shows that Master Chief will get a new armor (I guess it's forerunner-made, it doesn't look human-made), Bonnie Ross stresses the word journey once more and calls Halo 5 the destination, a prequel sounds much more likely than a Halo 2 remake.

chris0409 said:
I agree that the news this reveal gave us was pretty much expected and more or less already known but this is probably supposed to hype their E3 conference.

They stressed this years Halo will be a big leap without saying what it will be, and after hearing that I have some doubts about it being an Anniversary Edition of Halo 2.

A prequel maybe? The teaser-artwork shows that Master Chief will get a new armor (I guess it's forerunner-made, it doesn't look human-made), Bonnie Ross stresses the word journey once more and calls Halo 5 the destination, a prequel sounds much more likely than a Halo 2 remake.

Except even Master Chief himself accidentally said Halo 2 anniversary. With no denial coming from 343, just no comments. Leaker who correctly showed a Titanfall console and correctly told the story of Sunset Overdrive says Halo 2 is coming. And its the 10 year anniversary. Nothing is pointing towards a prequel.

That is ouch. I expected spring 2015.
Now if UC4 releases in early 2015 we can't compare them directly :(

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
That is ouch. I expected spring 2015.
Now if UC4 releases in early 2015 we can't compare them directly :(

When has a main Halo or Uncharted game not come out in the fall? Spring would be dumb and take away from the holiday rush.

kowenicki said:
DerNebel said:
I guess we can make a connection between the poor sales and this announcement as well. Also if I was american and stayed up for this I'd be kinda pissed, great we now have a name and an already pretty much expected release date, thanks for that. :/

Also they'll most likely be a trailer for this at E3 anyway which makes making this announcement now even more pointless.


However, If certain other games got a release date posted here then orgasms woud happen on this forum. 

Hell, if certain games only got a sniff of a leak of a release date we'd have a 100 post thread in minutes about "jizz" and "fapping".

Take it for what it is and stop turning everything into an opportunity for a dig.




I find that most humorous coming from you.


Now, I really was hoping for this to release this holiday and help the x1 go beast mode in sales from there on out. $399 Halo 5 holiday bundle = oh snap

Thanks jlmurph!