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Forums - Sales Discussion - April 2014 NPD Thread!

Aerys said:
maverick40 said:
Could the Wii u outsell the xbox one next month? That would be too good

Bold prediction, Mario Kart + price cute incoming for X1, if the WiiU doesnt outsell the X1, it's worrying.

It will happen, I cant wait! Everyone and their granny loves Mario kart so hopefully it does. 


Anyone hoping for the xbox one price drop to work miracles are going to be disappointed 

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kowenicki said:
Aerys said:
kowenicki said:
Interesting. None of that is great really is it.

Ps4 will drop further this month and begin looking bad, ONE will look horrible this month. It's all down to E3 and the aftermath.

Sorry to disappoint you, PS4 will increase a lot this month.


A lot?

by how much?

it will be similar at best. 

Watchdogs coming yo' it has a heavy marketing push towards PS4 like COD with Xbox brand

kowenicki said:
Aerys said:
kowenicki said:
Interesting. None of that is great really is it.

Ps4 will drop further this month and begin looking bad, ONE will look horrible this month. It's all down to E3 and the aftermath.

Sorry to disappoint you, PS4 will increase a lot this month.


A lot?

by how much?

it will be similar at best. 

I don't think it will be similar. It will be above 250 for sure, perhaps making a push toward 300K.

XOne on the other hand will probably stall at no more than 75K. 

kowenicki said:
Aerys said:
kowenicki said:
Interesting. None of that is great really is it.

Ps4 will drop further this month and begin looking bad, ONE will look horrible this month. It's all down to E3 and the aftermath.

Sorry to disappoint you, PS4 will increase a lot this month.

A lot?

by how much?

it will be similar at best. 

Well BenV, who was spot on this month's NPD, said that PS4 in May is trending better than it was in April. So there's that...

kowenicki said:
Aerys said:
kowenicki said:
Interesting. None of that is great really is it.

Ps4 will drop further this month and begin looking bad, ONE will look horrible this month. It's all down to E3 and the aftermath.

Sorry to disappoint you, PS4 will increase a lot this month.


A lot?

by how much?

it will be similar at best. 

You definition of similar is probably different than everyone else

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Kind of off-topic but i was making some math and came to this:

We know Xone sold 3 million globally at december 31;
We know Xone sold ~1,817,000 consoles in USA(NPD Nov + Dec);

So basically USA was 60% of Xone market at december 31;

Assuming this ratio didn't change (because we don't have any evidence of sales boost on europe/RoW)
and knowing that Xone sold ~825k in USA(NPD jan - april), we came to the conclusion that Xone sold ~1,375,000 consoles WW in 2014 which means:

3 millions + 1,375 ~= 4,375,000 Xone sold at may 3.

Well I think that Vgchartz is lucky because there is no NPD numbers for Europe and they can inflating the X- box sales. Yes after 4 months I think that is deliberate specially because the error is always for the same brand.

Well it's bette don't talk about Infamous and Titanfall numbers.

Dark_Feanor said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Dark_Feanor said:

More than VGChartz was traking...

As we know PS4 could be 116k for the information Sony has release.

And nobody was lining up for the Ps4 in Jan right? 

And why weren´t they lining up last month? You know, Best Buy has lots o PS4 in stock. right now.

PS4 situation is not much better than the XOne. Even a 200k sales, that I doubt, would put the allmight PS4 behind 360´s 2007 numbers.

And Sony has runway with cards to play.

Why are you comparing ps4 first year with xbox360 3rd years?

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

celador said:
I'm guessing significant overtracking of X1 and slight overtracking of PS4

This. Don't know why VGChartz overtrack so much Xbone in NA... they do almost every month.

”Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Harriet Tubman.

small44 said:
Dark_Feanor said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Dark_Feanor said:

More than VGChartz was traking...

As we know PS4 could be 116k for the information Sony has release.

And nobody was lining up for the Ps4 in Jan right? 

And why weren´t they lining up last month? You know, Best Buy has lots o PS4 in stock. right now.

PS4 situation is not much better than the XOne. Even a 200k sales, that I doubt, would put the allmight PS4 behind 360´s 2007 numbers.

And Sony has runway with cards to play .

Why are you comparing ps4 first year with xbox360 3rd years?

I don't know why he is doing this, maybe he got confused.

First of all PS4 is doing soooo much better than 360 in its first 6 months, sooo much better everywhere: numbers speak for themselves.

Second, PS4 situation is again, sooo much better than the XBone, considering America is Microsoft Land, and most are so loyal to american products there, like Japan is loyal to japanese products.  PS4 is squashing XBone in Europe and rest of the world, so PS4 doing better than XBone also in NA means DISASTER for Microsoft; 360 sold 46.52M in NA VS PS3 only 28.46M !  Now PS4 is doing better even in MS Land, while XBone gets umiliated in Sony Land=Europe.  This is the situation.  

”Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Harriet Tubman.