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Forums - Gaming Discussion - May's big games - Metascore! Watch Dogs and Wolfenstein!

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Which game will have the highest Metacore?

Watch Dogs 59 56.19%
Wolfenstein 5 4.76%
Both will suck 21 20.00%
Who cares? both will be brilliant. 13 12.38%
I only play games that are 1080p 7 6.67%
kupomogli said:

Watch Dogs 81. It'll be better than GTA but score much lower. It's what generally happens with this genre.
Wolfenstein 77

Come now.  I am not a major fan of GTA myself, but I still look at the games and see a lot of quality

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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MK8 = 90s
WD = 80s
wolf = i have no fucking clue.

Seriously can't believe you purposefully ignored the largest game launching May.

superchunk said:
MK8 = 90s
WD = 80s
wolf = i have no fucking clue.

Seriously can't believe you purposefully ignored the largest game launching May.

We'll see ... If watch dogs manages to sell better than MK8 you can't claim it to be the largest game of May. 

Watchdogs - 83

Wolfenstein - 65

fatslob-:O said:
superchunk said:
MK8 = 90s
WD = 80s
wolf = i have no fucking clue.

Seriously can't believe you purposefully ignored the largest game launching May.

We'll see ... If watch dogs manages to sell better than MK8 you can't claim it to be the largest game of May. 

WD is release on multiple consoles that total a FAR larger userbase. If it doesn't out do MK8 collectively, then that's insane. However, if you compare it as a % of the userbase or its raw sales on any single platform... then you have a challenge.

Around the Network
superchunk said:
fatslob-:O said:
superchunk said:
MK8 = 90s
WD = 80s
wolf = i have no fucking clue.

Seriously can't believe you purposefully ignored the largest game launching May.

We'll see ... If watch dogs manages to sell better than MK8 you can't claim it to be the largest game of May. 

WD is release on multiple consoles that total a FAR larger userbase. If it doesn't out do MK8 collectively, then that's insane. However, if you compare it as a % of the userbase or its raw sales on any single platform... then you have a challenge.

I suspect Mario Kart would win easily in that regard!

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS


Apparently Wolfenstein has Day 1 patches of between 5-7GB for both X1 and PS4 that are COMPULSORY!

Edit:  There now appears to be some confusion around whether these patches are compulsory or not!

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

MK8 has a Metascore of 88 and I think it will stay there... I don't think Watch Dogs will surpass that and I highly doubt that Wolfstein is doing more than 80.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

Um why isn't Mario Kart 8 up there?

Watch Dogs 82

Wolfenstein 78

I was bang on for Wolfie but overestimate WD!

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS