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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Watch Dogs: 900p PS4, 792p X1, both 30fps

Imaginedvl said:
mutantclown said:

He was waxing sarcasting at my post, like I implied anything about such and such. He was definitely trying to start shit.

Oh sure, but I do not think it was personnal :) I believe, he was talking about the few who claimed sub-1080p is unplayable or so "old-gen".

And I was asked if I can't read. Wonderful times on this forum

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kowenicki said:
Zekkyou said:
kowenicki said:

and the difference between 900p and 792p?

I genuinely dont know...

900p is about 29.1% more than 792p i believe.

Shit. Really?  Thats a HUGE gap isnt it.. 29% huh?  Thank god I thought the game looked like a contrived load of old nonsense.

I assume you're joking, but no, it's not huge. 720p vs 1080p would be "huge" (125%), but 900p vs 792p isn't. You could argue it's a big deal resource wise, but to the average consumer the difference isn't much more than a slightly blurrier image for the latter. Irritating for people like me, but hardly the end of the world.

To be honest i'm disappointing by 900p too. I don't mind it if it's being used for something meaningful (such as Ryse), but i can't really see what about WD justifies it.

So, they waited 2 weeks to launch to confirm this, most ps4 owners that pre-ordered it to tell everybody his console is superior cos it would run in 1080p 60fps...

Meanwhile, MK8 is doing 1080(?) 60, and with stunning visuals on the weak wii U.

OMG. Any news on resolution/fps of WiiU version?

kowenicki said:

It is very marginally (not clearly) visually inferior.   The game is the same. 

Its not bad news unless you count pixels as you game.

If you are being honest, we clearly have very distinct visual standards. At least concede that you would never pick the visual inferior version if you had the chance to get the better one, all other things being equal.

If you can admit that much I think we can leave it at that :)

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jonathanalis said:
So, they waited 2 weeks to launch to confirm this, most ps4 owners that pre-ordered it to tell everybody his console is superior cos it would run in 1080p 60fps...

Meanwhile, MK8 is doing 1080(?) 60, and with stunning visuals on the weak wii U.

are you comparing Watch Dogs graphical demands to Mario Kart? did you even attempt to think before writing that?

setsunatenshi said:
kowenicki said:

It is very marginally (not clearly) visually inferior.   The game is the same. 

Its not bad news unless you count pixels as you game.

If you are being honest, we clearly have very distinct visual standards. At least concede that you would never pick the visual inferior version if you had the chance to get the better one, all other things being equal.

If you can admit that much I think we can leave it at that :)

Well yah if both platform had Xbox One controllers, Xbox Live and the ability to switch on my Skype/TV on the fly (all other things being equal); of course I would pick 900p over 792p :)
Pretty sure Kowenicki would do the same!

setsunatenshi said:

If you are being honest, we clearly have very distinct visual standards. At least concede that you would never pick the visual inferior version if you had the chance to get the better one, all other things being equal.

If you can admit that much I think we can leave it at that :)

I don't know why you bother. Last gen 720p vs 704p and differences of 3-4fps average, in favor of 360, was a big deal. This gen 1080 vs 720, 1080 vs 900, 900 vs 792, framerate differences of anything from 5 to 20-25 are "marginal", etc.

You know why certain people would say something as incorrect as that, so you should also know that saying anything about it isn't going to change their speech. Not unless they change platforms.

Quote Trees people. Keep them at three quotes or below please.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Damn, honestly the game doesn't even look that great graphically :/

Ah well, glad I'm getting it for PC!

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