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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - THE news of the GDC : GTA4 add-on 1 in August08 !!!

playnext3 said:
i don't think that they will buy it 10$ for the episode
microsoft paid 150 million $,they must have profits
so more than 10$

That's nice how you assume it is Microsoft making the money off DLC. In this article from GDC'08, Microsoft clearly states it is up to Rockstar with DLC will even be charged for and how much.

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so lemme get this right

4 months after drop dates

some add on stuff probably a few missions here and there thats not for free

makes 1 version better than the other?

by the time that 1st content arrives most people will have long been done with the game on both consoles

extra content aside

im sure both versions have the SAME story and ending

the extra content will just be some extra missions

and wont change the storyline

its not THAT serious

With the price of current content on the 360 and the fact that they said these episodes will be 10hours each, i bet they will cost $25 for each one. Most gamers do not even go online with the consoles and will not purchase online content.

Griffin said:
With the price of current content on the 360 and the fact that they said these episodes will be 10hours each, i bet they will cost $25 for each one. Most gamers do not even go online with the consoles and will not purchase online content.

That's interesting... There are about 17,000,000 360's sold, and there are over 10,000,000 XBox Live Gold subscribers... I think you are talking more about the PSN then you are the XBox 360 Live network.

NeoRatt said:
Griffin said:
With the price of current content on the 360 and the fact that they said these episodes will be 10hours each, i bet they will cost $25 for each one. Most gamers do not even go online with the consoles and will not purchase online content.
That's interesting... There are about 17,000,000 360's sold, and there are over 10,000,000 XBox Live Gold subscribers... I think you are talking more about the PSN then you are the XBox 360 Live network.

 I doubt their are 10milgold subscribers at any one time, over the course of the systmes life maybe, and i'm not very surprised at this considering each 360 comes with 1-3months free of XBL gold.

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DMeisterJ said:
So now DLC can sell a game. And destroy momentum for a different system. By that logic, Rock Band on the Wii will be destroyed, because Rock Band on PS360 have DLC, when the Wii most likely will not (See GHIII).

 The rumor was true.  The Wii has DLC.  I guess you fail?

Anyway, I am so excited about the 360 version of GTA4! 


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madskillz said:
DOATS1 said:
how is extra dlc "bad news" for ps3 owners? it's obvious its a bonus for 360 owners. but it's not taking anything away fom the original gta story. especially when it's an extra experience that you will have to pay extra for. i personally "in my opinion" think that this extra dlc is way too overhyped.

Man, you are a PS3 fan to your heart. If R* had said the extra DLCs were PS3 exclusive, folks couldn't shut you up. I have both consoles and will buy the 360 versions for several reasons, including how the R* guy touted the complete experience was on the 360 - the DLCs - and for the simple fact that R* has yet to even show the PS3 version.

I pride myself on getting value for my $$$$. If I can get the 360 and DLCs later vs. the PS3 version and no episodes ... sorry, but gimme 360 version of GTA IV FTW. 

 Yes they have, PSM 3 UK have played it and they loved it

Anyway, do you have to have gold membership to get DLC on XBL

madskillz said:
DOATS1 said:
how is extra dlc "bad news" for ps3 owners? it's obvious its a bonus for 360 owners. but it's not taking anything away fom the original gta story. especially when it's an extra experience that you will have to pay extra for. i personally "in my opinion" think that this extra dlc is way too overhyped.

Man, you are a PS3 fan to your heart. If R* had said the extra DLCs were PS3 exclusive, folks couldn't shut you up. I have both consoles and will buy the 360 versions for several reasons, including how the R* guy touted the complete experience was on the 360 - the DLCs - and for the simple fact that R* has yet to even show the PS3 version.

I pride myself on getting value for my $$$$. If I can get the 360 and DLCs later vs. the PS3 version and no episodes ... sorry, but gimme 360 version of GTA IV FTW. 

no i'm not a ps3 fanboy, i prefer it over the other consoles, but i'm am by no means a fanboy. i have a 360 and plan to get a wii when my funds get back up. i just honestly think that this dlc is way too overhyped. it's a bonus for 360 owners, but it's NOT bad news for ps3 owners, which was my original point. you are right to choose the version you feel is superior, but i PERSONALLY don't think that the dlc is going to make any significant change in the gta core gameplay to make me WANT the the 360 version. fortunately, i have the choice to choose which format i want it on, just like you.

but i'm getting it for the ps3, that doesn't make me a fanboy, it just means i have a preference different to yours, i have no proeblem with the 360 version, i know it has an advantage over the ps3 version, but gta always felt better on a ps pad for me, same as most games as you can see on my sig. plus, i don't download dlc that costs anyway, so it wouldn't matter what format i got it on anyway.

I think its funny. They said the DLC is going to be an expansion just like VC and SA was an expansion to GTA3..... They also said it was going to be that big. BWAHAHAHA yeah right.

Everything else being equal, I'd choose the 360 version of GTA IV for the DLC.

Were the situation the other way around, I'd choose the PS3 version.