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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - THE news of the GDC : GTA4 add-on 1 in August08 !!!

how is extra dlc "bad news" for ps3 owners? it's obvious its a bonus for 360 owners. but it's not taking anything away fom the original gta story. especially when it's an extra experience that you will have to pay extra for. i personally "in my opinion" think that this extra dlc is way too overhyped.

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I'll probably end up getting it for PS3 as well Depending on the content.

however i've never been a huge fan of DLC and i just have a sneaking suspicion it'll be very expensive and probably not worth it at that point in time. As much as i love GTA4, chances are come august, i'll be playing something else

So now DLC can sell a game. And destroy momentum for a different system. By that logic, Rock Band on the Wii will be destroyed, because Rock Band on PS360 have DLC, when the Wii most likely will not (See GHIII). Oh wait, that's wrong, the Wii's winning this console race.

@ Gamesradar


I find it amusing at all the people getting the PS3 version claming it is the same or better as if they already have a chance to play both versions.

I think DLC is and going to be big factor in the console gaming just like how "expansion pack" is for the PC realms. You can almost always expect expansion pack for PC games if it sell even remotely "well". Heroes V, Civ IV CoH, etc all have expansion packs. This option is not feasable for console gaming since there is no game install (well unless you own a PS3 - see what I did there) so the best way to do expansion pack is DLC.

I am not sure why Rock Band and Wii are being compare to GTA4, it is entirely different. I think DLC for Rock Band factor into people purchasing. I have a "casual" gamer friend, who return Rock Band for PS2 when he found out that DLC is only for PS3 and 360. He said he will wait until he get PS3 to get Rock Band just for the fact that he will have DLC. It will not turn the tide of Wii domination but you are really comparing apple and orange here.

Sometimes it is not so much of actually of using thing like DLC but just to have the option there available if you want to use it. For awhile, I thought I want PS3 only if it is full BC, so I purchased the 60gb version thinking it would be nice to play all the PS2 games on it. It turn out I only play one or two PS2 games on my PS3, and I would have been just happy with 40gb PS3 however, it is always nice to know if I ever want to play PS2 games on my PS3 I always could.



Torillian said:
Isn't this five months though...I thought we all pretty much expected a few months delay before the first downloadable content. You seem to think this is fairly soon though, so were you expecting a longer delay?

 Do you actually think their 360 will work 5 months later? Not! 

Lost my faith in VGChartz. Too many stupid and ignorant Americans, even as moderators.

It's a shame, really. "The Boss" should do something radical about this Americanization, but it seems hardly feasible, so my days here are numbered.


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playnext3 said:
i don't think that they will buy it 10$ for the episode
microsoft paid 150 million $,they must have profits
so more than 10$

Source, por favor. 

boycop said:
Torillian said:
Isn't this five months though...I thought we all pretty much expected a few months delay before the first downloadable content. You seem to think this is fairly soon though, so were you expecting a longer delay?

 Do you actually think their 360 will work 5 months later? Not! 

 It has a three year warranty, ya Boob.

DOATS1 said:
how is extra dlc "bad news" for ps3 owners? it's obvious its a bonus for 360 owners. but it's not taking anything away fom the original gta story. especially when it's an extra experience that you will have to pay extra for. i personally "in my opinion" think that this extra dlc is way too overhyped.

Man, you are a PS3 fan to your heart. If R* had said the extra DLCs were PS3 exclusive, folks couldn't shut you up. I have both consoles and will buy the 360 versions for several reasons, including how the R* guy touted the complete experience was on the 360 - the DLCs - and for the simple fact that R* has yet to even show the PS3 version.

I pride myself on getting value for my $$$$. If I can get the 360 and DLCs later vs. the PS3 version and no episodes ... sorry, but gimme 360 version of GTA IV FTW. 

Never played a GTA game, this will be the first I get and it will be on PS3.
I don't really care so much about episodic content, I figure by the time I complete the original game I will have had enough GTA for a long time....

I mean it's not like the original game is going to be a 10 hours game...
And it's not like the episodic content is going to be a totally brand new game.
My understanding is it will bring new areas, new mission, but the game mechanics should stay the same..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

DMeisterJ said:
By that logic, Rock Band on the Wii will be destroyed, because Rock Band on PS360 have DLC, when the Wii most likely will not (See GHIII). Oh wait, that's wrong, the Wii's winning this console race.

I thought the rumored DLC for Rock Band on Wii was the rumored reason for the delay of the Wii version of Rock Band?

Anyway, the DS is winning the race because it has DLC. 



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