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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo Waving The White Flag On Wii U? Only Forecasting 3.6 mill Shipments

Torillian said:
FromDK said:


I don't see the problem.. (yes kind of grey zone.. but still perfectly legal)

Nintendo whent out public, and told about the share program. And based on curent trends, this is the way it goes.. Even if Nintendo hope for more and have fait in new things/games..  the estimate should still respond to current sales.. imo

And Nintendo fans like me. thinks it's good when controll goes back to nintendo (the share program)

If they lowball their estimates of their expected yearly sales when they are likely to get higher than that in order to decrease their own share cost then they knowingly lied to investors to further their own goals.  I don't see how that couldn't be illegal assuming it could be proven.  But just because you can't prove someone did something illegal does not mean that what they did was legal.  

Yes.. it would be very hard to prove anything if they sell like 2-4 mill better.. (iwata would say yes i always believed this,, and still) and if QOL makes the N share skyrock, i don't think thats illegal either.. (they have told about it)

But still would be kind of fun.. A firm being sued to do "insider" with same firm. I can hear the judge  "you know some abort the firm" :)

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This is just sad. C'mon guys! Americans, go and buy a bloody Wii U, the MK8 bundle is absolutely awesome. This is really very sad :(

If this really means that they won't cut the price, this is bad news. Now I'm waiting for what they show at E3 with fear. They have all the potential to destroy both Sony and MS with a serious Zelda, an open-world Pokemon RPG, a Metroid Prime, X, SMTxFE and another game or two + some HD ports from Gamecube/Wii. Such a lineup would easily turn the tide.

Wii U is a GCN 2 - I called it months before the release!

My Vita to-buy list: The Walking Dead, Persona 4 Golden, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, TearAway, Ys: Memories of Celceta, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, History: Legends of War, FIFA 13, Final Fantasy HD X, X-2, Worms Revolution Extreme, The Amazing Spiderman, Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - too many no-gaemz :/

My consoles: PS2 Slim, PS3 Slim 320 GB, PSV 32 GB, Wii, DSi.

Look at what Nintendo just said they are releasing smash x baypnetta 2 and hyrule warriors this year and wont release new hardware until the current customers are satisfied lol sry not being discontinued:)

KoopaKid said:
Look at what Nintendo just said they are releasing smash x baypnetta 2 and hyrule warriors this year and wont release new hardware until the current customers are satisfied lol sry not being discontinued:)

they also said they expected 9m last fy for the wii u

Whats your point who cares what they forcasted a. Its not being sold at loss now and b. It was stated he wont move on i gurantee it wont be discontinued but you keep hating bra

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KoopaKid said:

Whats your point who cares what they forcasted a. Its not being sold at loss now and b. It was stated he wont move on i gurantee it wont be discontinued but you keep hating bra

So Iwata's promise and the wii u being sold at profit will increase sales how? What's riding out a measly 16-18 mil lifetime going to do for the company in the long run? At least Sega had the ballz to admit their failure and to restructure. 

The best thing for Nintendo would be re-launch new and improved hardware that appeals to families and their core alike. 


KoopaKid said:

Whats your point who cares what they forcasted a. Its not being sold at loss now and b. It was stated he wont move on i gurantee it wont be discontinued but you keep hating bra

Its not up to him. Its up to the market that has rejected it. If consumers don't want it, which they dont, then retailers will push in off shelves.

The whole Wii U being discontinued thing is a false flag. Even if Nintendo wanted to do that, they are such a slow moving company that it would take well into 2016 for them to have a replacement platform in the way you guys are thinking.

Which would give the Wii U a longer lifespan than the far more successful GBA and not all that dissimilar to most Nintendo home consoles (lets be honest too, Nintendo stopped supporting the GameCube after 2005, its 4th year).

Most likely what I think Nintendo is working on is a new portable platform that is powerful enough and designed to allow for ports of Wii U games. This is where they will re-release a lot of Wii U games like Pikmin 3, MK8, etc. to make extra profit on those games IMO.

That new platform will probably be a hybrid one that allows for games to also be played on the TV when at home.

If the QOL pillar takes off for Nintendo, honestly I think they are probably done with dedicated home consoles as a whole. They will have a hybrid portable with TV output platform for games and then QOL stuff for seniors/soccer moms and that will be their 1-2 business punch. 

iwata admited that was a conservative forecast.
And that wont be the peak.

Soundwave, discontinuing support for the console is just as bad as discontinuing the console all together. Especially considering the sales they get while they are supporting it. Can you imagine what it'll look like in the end game?