Oh, i almost forgot to tell you guys this.
Ok so i got a month of PS+ a month ago for PS4. However i knew i wasnt going to use it much since i really use PS+ and XBL primarily for Multiplayer so i was just going to let it expire. Little did i know SOny took money out of my account over the weekend aand renewed my subscription. I was a little confused since i was pretty sure i had put on my settings not to do that.
Anyways after being upset i told my friend and he said he got me a years worth of PS+ because he knew i wouldnt get it myself. HE is a pretty cool guy lol Anyways i after telling him to just use it himself he kept insisting for me to use the code so i did.
So this is the reason im telling you this story. Once i put the code in SOny automatically turns that setting back on so when your subscribtion expires it will automatically renew. It doesnt give you an option and just turns it back on which is why i didnt catch it the first time. So i turned it back off after that.
Just giving you all a heads up to turn off that setting every time if you all dont want it to renew with out your permission.