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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%

Is anyone else enjoying Stick It to the Man like me? I find the humor pretty well done and the game really solid.

PSN: SoLFaceEvil

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SoLFaceEvil said:
Is anyone else enjoying Stick It to the Man like me? I find the humor pretty well done and the game really solid.

Great game, was praising it when it hit PS4, my favourite PS+ PS4 game.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

For all you lucky fucks who are in the Playstation Now beta on PS3: you can use your PS4 for that tomorrow EDIT: It's not confirmed that if you're in the PS3 beta, you'll get in the PS4 beta, but it looks likely.
Good to see Sony's making advancements on Playstation Now!

thanks gooch

bananaking21 said:
mornelithe said:
As if there were any question that this was going to happen, here it is, Driveclub vs Project Cars (PC Ultra settings):

I'd put the shots in here, but there's just way too many. I gotta say, there's something really weird about the lighting in Project Cars in some of those shots. They both look fantastic though, and I don't think anyone can argue at this point that the delay was very very good for Driveclub.

when you look at gameplay shots not bullshots. DriveClub looks better honestly. specially that canadian forest map, damn does that look beautiful.

Agreed. It's pretty incredibly what they've pulled off with DC so early in the gen.

Now if they would just fix that bloody AA...

Around the Network
Zekkyou said:

Agreed. It's pretty incredibly what they've pulled off with DC so early in the gen.

Now if they would just fix that bloody AA...

Yeah, that's basically the last hurdle they need to overcome in the dev of this game.  Otherwise, I can't complain about what I've seen so far.

eFKac said:
SoLFaceEvil said:
Is anyone else enjoying Stick It to the Man like me? I find the humor pretty well done and the game is really solid.

Great game, was praising it when it hit PS4, my favourite PS+ PS4 game.

Yeah I have been loving it. Never heard of it till it hit ps+. I love the comedy and the puzzles are nice too.

PSN: SoLFaceEvil

rutea7 said:
Atelier Shallie in action with a boss fight in video!

if someone can please please embed it, thank you

Looking good o: do we have any idea of a release date?

Zekkyou said:
rutea7 said:
Atelier Shallie in action with a boss fight in video!

if someone can please please embed it, thank you

Looking good o: do we have any idea of a release date?

Japanese release date was pushed back to sometime in July? Atelier games take about 8-10 months to localize based on the previous installments so I'm guessing March 2015 - May 2015

Squeezol's Fanclub Member? is that how it works?

Why can't I hold all these no gaemz?

Always looking to improve my awful drawings ;_; 

Akiran said:
Zekkyou said:

Looking good o: do we have any idea of a release date?

Japanese release date was pushed back to sometime in July? Atelier games take about 8-10 months to localize based on the previous installments so I'm guessing March 2015 - May 2015

Well that's not too bad, it's been a while since i picked up a JRPG so i'll probably get this when the time comes.