gooch_destroyer said:
vivster said:
gooch_destroyer said:
vivster said:
That too. A real new Kart racer would be nice. Not something half cooked like Modnation or LBP Karting.
Yeah, not a "rip-off" like some fans would claim.
Something with all PS characters.
Nah, please not.
I want something new and original. Something like the Sunset Overdrive of Kart Racing. New and fresh and innovative.
Hm. I like that. Maybe Sony should ask Insominac and let them keep their IP?
How about a Death Race 2000 open world game? You can drive around freely, and enter in races as they become populated, have giant cross country races etc... points for pedestrians, other vehicles, buildings structures, sabotage etc... it could be like the Mutant League Football of racing *chuckle*