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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
poklane said:
DakonBlackblade said:
Whats the story about the FFVII remake thinguy/rumor ?

Someone somewhere threw a rumor of FFVII remake coming to PS4 on the internet and then a day later Sony EU posted a short video on Twitter of a FFVII disc spinning in a PS1.

Stop playing with my heart like this... evil Sony FFVII remake is not somethign to play with, this better be real.

Around the Network

Secret Poncho is pretty awesome! Great free ps+ game :) Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

BraLoD said:
GamechaserBE said:
Is their a Christmas deal thread? Lucky I went to PSN otherwise I never known that their are deals everyday 22 euro for TLoU is a very good price..

Also check out the PS 20th anniversary theme :).

Is there a theme for it?

Yes in my store it is, nice detail when it boots up, it is with the sound of the PS one..

GamechaserBE said:
BraLoD said:
GamechaserBE said:
Is their a Christmas deal thread? Lucky I went to PSN otherwise I never known that their are deals everyday 22 euro for TLoU is a very good price..

Also check out the PS 20th anniversary theme :).

Is there a theme for it?

Yes in my store it is, nice detail when it boots up, it is with the sound of the PS one..

Epic stuff

The One and Only

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This month we bring you the Science Fiction Issue, headlined by the ambitious No Man's Sky. We flew out to Hello Games' Guildford offices in England to see new elements and get some answers on this enigmatic game. For the first time you will learn about the imposingly large galactic map, the enemy forces you'll be battling, new details on the economy and upgrades, and much more.

Next up is an eight-page feature on the upcoming Destiny expansion, The Dark Below. We played all of the new story missions, strikes, and competitive maps, and even tried out the new raid. We asked Bungie about raid loot drops, non-skippable cutscenes, storytelling complaints, PVP exotic bounty issues, and plenty more. In addition to our magazine feature, if you'd like to read all about The Dark Below immediately, we just posted a separate preview online to coincide with the announcement of this issue.

Our standard preview section takes a break this month with a package completely devoted to upcoming sci-fi games. Evolve leads the pack with a full rundown of the final tier of hunters and detailed explanations of all previously unannounced modes. We also check out Halo 5: Guardians, Axiom Verge, Battleborn,Mighty No. 9Quantum BreakStar Citizen, and Star Wars Battlefront, to name a few.

To round out the theme, we list our picks for the Top 25 Science Fiction Games. See where shoe-ins from Half-life, Mass Effect, and Halo land and check to see if your obscure favorite made it on.

For new footage of the game and a taste of what’s to come in our month of special online No Man's Sky content, watch our coverage trailer below

There's still plenty to see in the rest of the issue as well. We've got a PlayStation 4 and Xbox One first year status report to compare how the consoles have evolved since release. Our hands-on look at Blizzard's new team shooter, Overwatch, examines the company's first new IP in 17 years. Fans of trolling beloved games will welcome our fourth edition of the Sacred Cow Barbecue, which scalds the likes of Kingdom Hearts, Minecraft, Assassin's Creed, and others.

Print subscribers should see their issues arriving in the next week or two, but it's available later today if you subscribe digitally (available on PC/MaciPad,Android, and Google Play). You can also get the latest issue through third-party apps on NookKindle, and Zinio starting tomorrow. To switch your print subscription to digital, click here, or to create a new subscription to the digital edition, click here.

Throughout the month we’ll have a deep dive on the galactic map, video interviews with the team, insight on the generated soundtrack, a special-edition podcast, and more. Click on the banner below to visit our No Man's Sky hub and see everything collected in one place.


Its not just the PS1 boot up, swear I heard PS3's play aswell if you stay on the menu

mornelithe said:

That was a long ass gif :p

ktay95 said:
Its not just the PS1 boot up, swear I heard PS3's play aswell if you stay on the menu

Yeah you hear the waves :).  I recommend the theme just for nostalgic reasons..

Zekkyou said:
mornelithe said:

That was a long ass gif :p

I know, but so funny lol.  I love how good people are at superimposing Yoshida's face into things.