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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%

Great to see: devs are updating PS2 on PS4 games. GTA Vice City got a refresh rate upgrade and bug fixes!

GTA 3 got the same update

Around the Network
BraLoD said:
We need more PS2 games coming, but we also need the PS1 games to come!

Max Payne is coming Friday, Kinetica was trademarked again today and there's still a bunch of unconfirmed games which got rated again by the ESRB. But what I find quite special here is that emulated games are getting updated and improved besides the emulator itself adding Trophies and a resolution upgrade, although we already kinda knew this since the GTA games cut out some songs.

Man it feel great to have so many games to play:

Atelier Rorona Plus (first atelier game)
Yakuza 4 (first yakuza game)
Ratchet and clank quest for booty (first game in the franchise)
White Knight Chronicle
and freedom wars

It's awesome^^

If someone is interested tarminator1992

BraLoD said:
Sprash said:
If someone is interested tarminator1992

That's your PSN account, I suppose?

Yes it is, and if I don't get at least 1000 "Freundschaftsanfragen" something bad someday somewhere will happen.

Around the Network
BraLoD said:
Sprash said:

Yes it is, and if I don't get at least 1000 "Freundschaftsanfragen" something bad someday somewhere will happen.

How can you even type such word, lol.

with type such word do you mean "Yes" "it" "is", "and" "if" "I" "don't" "get" "at" "least" 1000 "Freundschaftsanfragen" "something" "bad" "someday" "somewhere" "will" or "happen"?

Sprash said:
Man it feel great to have so many games to play:

Atelier Rorona Plus (first atelier game)
Yakuza 4 (first yakuza game)
Ratchet and clank quest for booty (first game in the franchise)
White Knight Chronicle
and freedom wars

It's awesome^^

Terrible choice. Into the Nexus is the worst or second worst mainline game in the entire franchise. If I were you I'd have started with Tools of Destruction. It's a much better game, and it's very cheap by now (though QfB is also cheap).

Teeqoz said:
Sprash said:
Man it feel great to have so many games to play:

Atelier Rorona Plus (first atelier game)
Yakuza 4 (first yakuza game)
Ratchet and clank quest for booty (first game in the franchise)
White Knight Chronicle
and freedom wars

It's awesome^^

Terrible choice. Into the Nexus is the worst or second worst mainline game in the entire franchise. If I were you I'd have started with Tools of Destruction. It's a much better game, and it's very cheap by now (though QfB is also cheap).So

Isn't this the best choice then? I mean 2 scenarios that can happen:

I like this game ----> I can buy more games into the franchise that are even better because this is one of the worst games----> win situation.

I dislike the games ----> No worries I can try the next one that is probably better than this game and give the franchise a new chance with that game -----> win situation



BraLoD said:
Sprash said:

with type such word do you mean "Yes" "it" "is", "and" "if" "I" "don't" "get" "at" "least" 1000 "Freundschaftsanfragen" "something" "bad" "someday" "somewhere" "will" or "happen"?

I wonder which one...

oh man I'm terrible at guessing which one it is, but it has to be "IS" it's to obvious here.

Sprash said:
Teeqoz said:

Terrible choice. Into the Nexus is the worst or second worst mainline game in the entire franchise. If I were you I'd have started with Tools of Destruction. It's a much better game, and it's very cheap by now (though QfB is also cheap).So

Isn't this the best choice then? I mean 2 scenarios that can happen:

I like this game ----> I can buy more games into the franchise that are even better because this is one of the worst games----> win situation.

I dislike the games ----> No worries I can try the next one that is probably better than this game and give the franchise a new chance with that game -----> win situation



I guess the first one is a win scenario, but the second one isn't a win for you at least, because you wasted money on a game that you didn't like. Oh well. I mean, Quest for Booty doesn't suck, but it's certainly not as good as the other mainline games.