bananaking21 said:
lonerism said: I never played any Star Wars game before, should I buy Battlefront? I love shooters like Borderlands, Destiny (the only ones I actually played lol) but the lack of single player campaign and the metascore kinda turned me off  |
well here is the thing. im not a fan of starwars in general, i didnt like the movies i watched and i am not interested in it. however, the game looked good and i played the beta. from what i played, its a pretty great game. its more team based and objective based than your regular CoD or Destiny online. the gameplay is fun, the maps are big and the general feel of the game is pretty fun.
however, apperantly content is low, for example walker assault, the big team mode. just has 4 maps to play it in. there is supposed to be some free maps coming in december, but how much i dont know.
after playing the beta, i am very surprised the game it at a 74 meta. as gameplay, graphics, maps, sound is all fantastic. maybe it has something to do with the little content.
personally, i am getting it but a year later, when they come out with some sort of GOTY edition with all the DLC included, and i know im gonna love it.