bananaking21 said:
DerNebel said:
bananaking21 said:
i hope its not a PS4 exclusive, if its real. 
Why not?
i fear the day that rockstar starts whoring out exclusive games to console manufacturers. because then you know MS will just flock to them trying to secure an exclusive. i actually prefer all third parties dont due exclusives to any console maker, because at the end of the day, it will be certain that some games wont be on your console of choice because of that.
I don't know, I'd view it as Rockstar honoring a contract they made years ago, even though they could easily break the contract and make much more money by releasing the game on both platforms, even including the damages they'd probably have to pay Sony for that.
Also I don't think MS would pay Rockstar for an exclusive and Sony won't do it again either, their established franchises are way to big and thus way to expensive to be buying exclusivity for and I doubt anyone would buy a new IP from Rockstar, not after the Agent thing, even if it were to release this year then that'd still be seven years after Sony first talked about the game, nobody is going to pay for an exclusive game just for it to not come out for over 7 years.