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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why the New ‘Legend of Zelda’ for Wii U Can't Save Nintendo- Lol?.....

cusman said:
I am only interested in Zelda for Wii U if I don't have to use the Gamepad. The battery life at 3 hours just isn't enough and even playing something simple like Child of Light, the stupid red light starts blinking before I am done playing and I just don't like being limited by the controller's battery life.

My PS4 controller also runs out of battery too fast, but I have two of those, so I just switch to the other. I can't have two Gamepads and leave one always on charge while I use the other.

Also, I really liked the controls in Skyward Sword. The game's problem was that they were lazy in the design by having disconnected parts of the game world, rather than a big expansive world for players to explore and enjoy at their own pace. The things they did to make the over world more "dense" with stuff that needs to be done just made the game feel more linear. All those issues aside, the actual controls were so much better than past Zelda games.

I liked Skyward Sword's controls as well.
As a note, though, you can just play with the gamepad plugged in and there'll be no problem... or just charge it when you're not using it because I mean I don't know you but I doubt you have that many over 4 hour gaming sessions. I know I don't have time for that save a few particular ocassions.
Or turn the brightness down, I get at least four hours out of mine at the "3" level consistently.

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You can't save the Wii U you can only try to salvage it (e.g. shoot for GC numbers).

They shouldn't release a Zelda game for the Wii U. Make it a launch title for their next system they will release in 2016.

BasilZero said:
Pavolink said:
MK8 May + Zelda Nov + SSB Dec 2014 it's their only way to try to survive. Anything less and this is done.

Ultimatum set.


iwata may cry

A Devil May Cry-like game where you play as Iwata?! MUST BUY!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Skidonti said:
oniyide said:
zorg1000 said:
oniyide said:
Ocarina of Time stands as the best selling Zelda on a single console. and it didnt really do jackshit for N64, so i dont see why this new Zelda will do anything for WiiU especially since it most def not be out this year.

Actually i would say OoT did alot for N64. Like u said its the highest selling Zelda on a single console, the 4th best selling N64 game, nearly 1/4 N64 owners bought it and its widely considered as the best game ever. Its pretty safe to say without it N64 would have sold much less.

considering how much the N64 ended selling is that anything to be proud of? 33mil sold? thats my point, those are still lousy numbers and a drop from SNES

Oh come on. I guess PS3 is nothing to be proud of either. 50% drop from its predecessor. N64 sold at healthy actually profitable levels for Nintendo, and a solid portion of that profit came from Zelda and any systems it sold. Profit that wouldn't have existed otherwise. Now, they're probably more ambitious than merely remaining profitable, but isn't Sony as well? (well, I'm not so sure on that one) (;

you know for a fact Ninty was profitable? how profitable? Sony wasnt at the time? 50% is nothing to be proud of sure. BUt PS3 still sold alot more than N64. What is the baseline for failure? numbers wise? anything above 30mil?

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oniyide said:

you know for a fact Ninty was profitable? how profitable? Sony wasnt at the time? 50% is nothing to be proud of sure. BUt PS3 still sold alot more than N64. What is the baseline for failure? numbers wise? anything above 30mil?

Nintendo's Financials for the year March 1998 to March 1999 show a profit of 86 billion yen. This, adjusted for time and exchange as best as I can quickly estimate which may not be accurate, is in a general sense about $798 million today. FY ending March 2000 - 56 billion yen ($510 million?). For March 2001 (before GCN, only one week into GBA in Japan) profit was 96.6 billion yen ($890 million?).
That's the oldest historical data I can find for them at the moment.  Nintendo took a small loss on N64 hardware but games gave profit.

Sony made a lot of money in the 90s, I wasn't debating that. Now I guess is a different story. A large 179 billion yen profit FY ending March 1999. 121.8 billion yen March 2000, but March 2001 the entire company profit was down to 16 billion yen (this year had PS2 selling worldwide, too). Problem is I can't tell what the gaming division profited. They have revenue reported for it those years, though, so here's a comparison.

Sony Game Division vs. Nintendo Minus Playing Card Division Revenue Comparison (billion yen)

FY End Nint. Sony
1997 416 408
1998 532 700
1999 570 760
2000 527 630
2001 458 646

Essentially, 40% of revenue generated by gaming was still Nintendo. So they had revenue and profit. The baseline for failure isn't standard. It depends on how much profit you want as a company. Anything unprofitable obviously fails. Nintendo I'm sure was planning and hoping for more success, so perhaps you could call N64 a failure, but it wasn't really bad. Good enough for them to try again, and good enough for them to generate a whole load of new young fans, which counts in long term business.

N64 almost matched SNES in North America, actually. 20.6 million units. Japanese sales, only 5.5 million, held it way back.

Edit: I found all Nintendo's historical records with their new FY 2014 release.

Now if only I made that post somewhere it was important and relevant to people! I spent like a a half hour finding and reviewing financial documents for the relevant information.

If mario can't save it then zelda can't either.

Started gaming on PS3 3/6/14 :)

oniyide said:
Scizor_99 said:
oniyide said:
Ocarina of Time stands as the best selling Zelda on a single console. and it didnt really do jackshit for N64, so i dont see why this new Zelda will do anything for WiiU especially since it most def not be out this year.

It didn't make it sell like crazy but it definitely had an impact. Much like Final Fantasy VII, Ocarina of time was extremely hyped back them and people wouldn't shut up about it ... and they still haven't.

thats not a good comparison considering the system that FF7 released on sold 3 times as much as N64

I don't think the total install base of the PS1 is that relevant in the case of FF7. It's more plausible, I think, that FF7 sold Playstations rather than Playstations sold FF7, given the hype level of that game. The PS1 was an international success not just because of JRPGs, but multimedia features, good advertising, and strong and varied third-party support. My point is that games that are tremendously hyped sell consoles.

Insanely speculative article. We're arriving at assumptions well before we even know anything about the game!

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016