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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - LoZ: Hyrule Collection for Wii slated Nov '08 release

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A highly secretive release has been unofficially confirmed by inside sources as being available on Nov 23rd of this year, a little less than a week before Black Friday. This is actually the simultaneous release of 2 separate discs containing ports of games from N64 and GC with updated controls and features for use on the Wii. These two discs are tentatively being referred to as Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Collection 64, and Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Collection GC.

"There was much debate about the decision to release these as two separate but simultaneous titles. Each disc has very distinct features and updates that will likely appeal to very different types of players. Our current goal is to release these titles to be sold separately at 3400 - 3800 Yen for their Japanese release, and roughly $35 - $40 for the American release. This will allow both discs combined to only be slightly more expensive than the average price of a Wii game, and separately be evenly priced with some of the less expensive quality Wii titles available. The decision may still be made to release these games on a single disc though, which is part of why we have yet to make an official announcement. An announcement will be made, along with pricings for countries in Europe and other regions when we have resolved this issue."


Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Collection 64 will contain updated versions of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, as well as the Master Quest version of Ocarina of Time. The biggest update to these titles will be including a control style similar to Twilight Princess, using the Wii remote w/ nunchuk. It will also be optional to use the Classic Controller and Gamecube controller instead.

The obvious features that the Wii remote w/ nunchuk will bring will be navigating the menu screen with the pointer as well as aiming the bow and hookshot, using the controller to swing the sword (also the megaton hammer in OoT) providing rumble support for the Stone of Agony, and also using the built in speaker to hear the notes while playing the Ocarina. An extra feature that has been implemented is the ability to angle the nunchuk in order to angle Link's Shield, primarily more useful when the mirror shield is equipped.

Other updates to these classic titles are 480p and widescreen support, as well as a general update put towards smoothing out the graphics, updating the textures, and generally making the polygon count less noticeable.

"The most important issue has been ensuring that all bugs have been removed during the port of Majora's Mask, which had caused significant problems in the limited release collector's edition that had been made for Gamecube. We want to ensure that there are no problems that could interrupt the player's ability to enjoy the game. Beyond that, the most difficult task has been adding in the code to allow the shield to be angled while using the nunchuk, but we felt it was worth taking the effort to add that in."


Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Collection GC will include Wind Waker and Four Swords Adventures. These include what are perhaps the most significant updates, implementing both extended DS functionality and Online play on top of the updated controls.

Like Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask in Hyrule Collection 64, Wind Waker has also received updated controls for use with the Wii remote and nunchuk, but still retains options to use the gamecube or classic controller. Updating the graphics for 480p and widescreen support have likewise been added, and the Tingle Tuner has also received a major update.

Though a GBA may still be plugged into the system using the Gamecube controller ports, Windwaker has been updated to make use of the ability of the Wii to communicate with the DS, allowing the ability for a second player to control the tingle tuner wirelessly through their DS. Furthermore, the dual screen and stylus controls have allowed for a much greater degree of control, and have been refined to allow easier navigation while you play as Tingle on the DS.

How Tingle can influence Link has also been revamped to alleviate the frustration that many players have exerienced. The first use of the tingle tuner will connect to the DS or GBA that is connected to the Wii system. Once a connection has been established, using the tingle tuner again will open an option screen to adjust whether tingle is able to bomb an area that is close enough to Link to cause damage, and also how frequently tingle can capture Link's attention, if at all.

As with all the others, Four Swords Adventures has also been updated, allowing it to be played with the classic controller, gamecube controller or Wii remote with nunchuk, but unlike the others, Four Sword Adventures may also be played with Wiimote alone, and for multiplayer action, the GBA(plugged into a gamecube port) or the DS may be connected to the Wii. The DS connectivity will allow anyone possessing the popular portable console to connect wirelessly to the Wii system, eliminating much of the hassle that had burdened the sales of Four Swords Adventures on the Gamecube. 480p is also included, but wide screen support is limited to ensuring that the screen is not stretched while playing on a widescreen TV.

As if these updates weren't enough, Four Swords Adventures has implemented extensive online multiplayer features. This means that anyone with an internet connection, regardless of owning a DS, will be able to experience the competitive/cooperative multiplayer action that truly made this game shine.

Multiple DS or GBA may be used on a single Wii system to connect online, but any single player using any controller can also get online in order to create or join a game. This means that a group of 2 or 3 friends could go online to find someone to fill the last slot or slots, you could even wind up with a game where everyone is playing on a different Wii console.

While any control method can be used to play online, using the DS brings the most features to the table. The microphone and speakers on the DS can be used in voice chat with other players online. To access this, both players must be added to each other's friend list, but this can be done automatically while in the middle of playing.

The lower screen of the DS will display the 3 other players(if they are using a DS), and by simply tapping on the screen, you may designate who you are willing to accept or ignore. If both players have designated each other as accepting, then they will be able to hear and speak to each other, and if at any time a player wishes to cease hearing the other player, they merely need to tap their name again.

After playing, you may decide who you liked or didn't like playing with from the list of friends codes you have accepted or ignored for the Wii system to store on your profile. This will be consulted in future searches for other people to play with online, searching first for those people you enjoyed playing with, and avoiding those you didn't.

"The Gamecube GBA connectivity was a big step forward in gaming, but I think perhaps one that was ahead of its time and ability. I feel both of these titles suffered because of this and am very hopeful for what the DS Wii connectivity and online support may be able to do for them. The incredible popularity of the Wii and DS, along with no longer requiring extra cables for them to communicate, I think, will help these titles become far more successful that they had been capable of on the Gamecube."

This is not a real game, I'm sorry, I so wish it was, but this is all merely my own dream for what would be totally awesome for Nintendo to do, even though I know they're not going to do it.


Wow... I seriously cannot wait for this to come out. I actually started to drool while reading this article. As if updating OoT with Twilight Princess controls wasn't enough, they gave 4SA online and DS support? I want it all, so I'd rather have the single disc, but I think it would be more accessible at the separate lower prices, which means possibly even more people playing 4SA online.

I think I may just have to camp out for this game. Who else has put this on their "must have" list?

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


Around the Network

good one

Soriku said:

But I don't really feel like buying "updated" versions of the games =/ I'd rather have a new game.

 We'll likely get one next year. But wow! That's the best way to make old games better.. besides I haven't played Majora's Mask yet.



More LoZ love for us...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

Rolstoppable copycan confirmed and FAILED. Soriku gave a good laugh though :)

Around the Network

This shit's getting old.
It's like if I was that "N64 Kid", only once I opened the box of the N-64, I found a dead kitten instead of an N64.
Stop tearing me apart with these threads.

Rol is actually good at making them satirical and, if you're perceptive, fake. This one is just pure evil.  

Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

That'd be awesome if it were true.

I aint getting it cause its fake :(


That's a mean joke....

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

That was mean!
Seriously, that deserves a ban.