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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - .P Harrison: Third parties can only reach 40% of Wii owners.

kinda funny that Sony's install base is about 40% of Nintendo's install base. So whether that 40% is accurate or not, they would still get more for their money shooting for the simple casual games with the Wii audience, then they would making a multi million budget game on the PS3, at minimum.

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Sqrl said: 

Isn't 2% like an average of 2.5m units sold per game?  2% seems high to me but I could be wrong...... 

 Yeah, I should've said "good" games.

Even the best-selling PS2 games didn't go beyond 10-15% of the install base.

40% is absolutely unreal. Nintendo seldom gets 40%. They're lucky if they do. 

"I mean, c'mon, Viva Pinata, a game with massive marketing, didn't sell worth a damn to the "sophisticated" 360 audience, despite near-universal praise--is that a sign that 360 owners are a bunch of casual ignoramuses that can't get their heads around a 'gardening' sim? Of course not. So let's please stop trying to micro-analyze one game out of hundreds and using it as the poster child for why good, non-1st party, games can't sell on Wii. (Everyone frequenting this site knows this is nonsense, and yet some of you just can't let it go because it's the only scab you have left to pick at after all your other "Wii will phail1!!1" straw men arguments have been put to the torch.)" - exindguy on Boom Blocks

Smash_Brother said:
Sqrl said:

Isn't 2% like an average of 2.5m units sold per game? 2% seems high to me but I could be wrong......

Yeah, I should've said "good" games.

Even the best-selling PS2 games didn't go beyond 10-15% of the install base.

40% is absolutely unreal. Nintendo seldom gets 40%. They're lucky if they do.

Nintendogs sold about 25% of the DS's total sales so far.

Smash Bros Melee sold about 25% of the Gamecube's total sales.

So you're right about the ratio being higher than the best Nintendo games.

Except for Super Mario Bros 1, and Wii Sports  but those are bundles, so those don't actually qualify in this particular discussion.


And as someone stated, 40% of the Wii's current sales is still about 8-9 million. Plenty to have hit games. 

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

weezy said:
krik said:
Phil was being optimistic since more than 50% of Wii's are wiisports machines collecting dust.

Btw: I played SSBB at GDC and it looks pretty damn good but it still plays like my N64 SSB. But I had the same feeling with mario galaxy. For me there wasn't enough innovation to make Galaxy better than Mario 64 though...

can you please stop smoking crack b4 you post.

 Lol, I just saw this after looking at your comment on my profile (was too busy at GDC). Anyway I was kidding about the Wiisports machines and Phil.


 But I was serious about SSBB, it's SSB for the Wii. If you like Mario Galaxy you will love SSBB. May even take game of the year for all I know but I just don't like it at all... It's too childish for me, I'm 37 remember?

PS: I will never stop smoking crack and make stupid posts... why should I?


PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


krik said:

PS: I will never stop smoking crack and make stupid posts... why should I?



"I mean, c'mon, Viva Pinata, a game with massive marketing, didn't sell worth a damn to the "sophisticated" 360 audience, despite near-universal praise--is that a sign that 360 owners are a bunch of casual ignoramuses that can't get their heads around a 'gardening' sim? Of course not. So let's please stop trying to micro-analyze one game out of hundreds and using it as the poster child for why good, non-1st party, games can't sell on Wii. (Everyone frequenting this site knows this is nonsense, and yet some of you just can't let it go because it's the only scab you have left to pick at after all your other "Wii will phail1!!1" straw men arguments have been put to the torch.)" - exindguy on Boom Blocks