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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - .P Harrison: Third parties can only reach 40% of Wii owners.

Hes talking about potential fanbase who MIGHT actually buy the game, not who will actually buy it.

If its not a Nintendo game, 60% of Wii gamers wont even look at it. Thats what hes saying and so far its been true. I think that will change slightly with FF and Okami and things like that, but not ne time soon.

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bdbdbd said:
antfromtashkent said:
bdbdbd said:
antfromtashkent said:
well i have a question... Can ny one name a third party game that scored as much on the metacritic as SMG? Third party games dont do nearly as well on the Wii so think that thats the point no?


i dont think im even gonna respond to that :(


You don't have to. But i do think you're spot-on with that one. ;) But let's keep in mind, that how many 3rd party PS2 games outsold the best selling 1st party game.

 ok so here we go to my original post  (i have to think about it now because im not even sure of what it was now lol)


Well i have a question... Can ny one name a third party game that sold as much on the wii as SMG? Third party games dont do nearly as well on the Wii so think that thats the point no?

This whole post i was just trying to say that the wii has a problem with TPD that needs to be addtessed. there need to be more serious games coming not only from nintendo!

antfromtashkent said:

THE THIRD PARTY GAMES ON THE WII DO NOT SELL AS WELL AS THEY DO ON OTHER CONSOLES (THIS IS THE END OF MY POINT) i dint say that that its fair that TPD gimp wii games. i said that that is a problem that the wii has to take care of.

Fair enough. So your argument is that 3rd party games don't sell as well on the Wii and that's a problem that Nintendo has to take care of... and I disagree. I don't think they need to take care of that problem at all. I think that 3rd parties need to take care of that problem if they want to take advantage of the potential sales. I actually don't think it's a problem at all but I'm framing my response in terms of the argument you've made.

Jandre002 said:

Yes the PS2 had mostly casual gamers...whats your point exactly? On the PS3 third party developers dominated those 1-2 games bought every few months. On the Wii its Nintendo. I never said PS2 owners buy a lot of games. On the PS2 it was the best game that won. On the Wii its just the next Mario game that people are buying.

My percentages are GUESSES, but the mindset of those buying each concole is probably around there. The PS3 might be for the media capabilites AND gaming. The 360 is 90% just for gaming. My opinion, but it seems to make sense.

So maybe you misunderstood what I was talking about with the PS2 comment. You're forgiven. And if im wrong BTW, tell me what third party Wii game that dominates that isn't a Nintendo game, or doesn't have Nintendo characters in it.


Uh maybe the best games on the Wii are Nintendo games, because, just maybe, TP didn't think that the WIi would do half (even lifetime) of what it has done so far. So they didn't release any good games for it. So no duh the Nintendo games are going to dominate.

And the mere fact that the 40% of Wii owners is still just about as many PS3 owners that would look at any game, it's hardly a good arguement. 

bdbdbd said:
antfromtashkent said:
sigh ok fine u guys can count RE4 (even though i dont think it should......thats my oppinion damn it :P)...... that makes Wii with 5 million sellers...... PS3 with 5 miliion sellers........ and xbox with like 10 or 15 dint really count but its some crazy number. Now we count the Wii vs PS3 vs XBOX user base...... soooo shouldnt the wii have more million sellers that at least the PS3?


But it has. Just look at the list. Edit: VGChartz million sellers list gives 19 million sellers on Wii and 8 million sellers on PS3.

 *cry*  this whole post is about third party developers *cry* if u look at that list most of them r nintendo :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

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fkusumot said:
antfromtashkent said:

THE THIRD PARTY GAMES ON THE WII DO NOT SELL AS WELL AS THEY DO ON OTHER CONSOLES (THIS IS THE END OF MY POINT) i dint say that that its fair that TPD gimp wii games. i said that that is a problem that the wii has to take care of.

Fair enough. So your argument is that 3rd party games don't sell as well on the Wii and that's a problem that Nintendo has to take care of... and I disagree. I don't think they need to take care of that problem at all. I think that 3rd parties need to take care of that problem if they want to take advantage of the potential sales. I actually don't think it's a problem at all but I'm framing my response in terms of the argument you've made.



Edit: and i see ur point as well and its well taken

Total TP Wii sales (6 million sellers): Nearly 10 million
Total TP PS3 sales (5 million sellers): 8 million

Average: 1.6 million Wii
1.6 million PS3

Tie. Hmm. The only difference would be it takes a lot less sales to make money. So Wii wins.

Stever89 said:
Total TP Wii sales (6 million sellers): Nearly 10 million
Total TP PS3 sales (5 million sellers): 8 million

Average: 1.6 million Wii
1.6 million PS3

Tie. Hmm. The only difference would be it takes a lot less sales to make money. So Wii wins.

 lol but if u consider the user base it shouldnt be a tie should it?

The Wii only has as many third party million sellers are their are third party games worth buying. If developers aren't willing to support the Wii, obviously there aren't going to be very many third party million sellers.

Ubisoft has given the Wii shit for the most part. (It was the only console that didn't get Assassin's Creed for some reason (even DS and Cell Phone are getting it). And they didn't make No More Heroes, they only published it in the West, which they did a terrible job of marketing.

Capcom is doing decently but for the most part is still handing the Wii last gen ports while feeding its meatier fair to the other consoles.

Atari just plain sucks.

EA, like many developers, is under the impression that you need to reinvent the wheel on a five dollar budget when developing for the Wii. Though who can argue they're not supporting the Wii when it gets games like Boogie when everyone else gets Call of Duty 4.

Square-Enix is doing fairly well but only ever gives Nintendo the scraps for the most part when it comes to Final Fantasy, not that I care but like a herd of lemmings people will blindly run off a cliff to buy any FF game put on a Sony console.

Bandai-Namco has offered little other than a few JRPGs which they've offered to everyone else and then some. Though Soul Calibur Legends was awesome right?

Atlus is doing well enough but their games are rarely ever main stream enough to shift the tide for anyone.

When Wii gets games like Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed and Devil May Cry 4 and they still tie with the Ps3, then you can cry foul on the Wii. Until then, keep on dreaming.

antfromtashkent said:
Stever89 said:
Total TP Wii sales (6 million sellers): Nearly 10 million
Total TP PS3 sales (5 million sellers): 8 million

Average: 1.6 million Wii
1.6 million PS3

Tie. Hmm. The only difference would be it takes a lot less sales to make money. So Wii wins.

lol but if u consider the user base it shouldnt be a tie should it?

Not when you consider that the Wii hardly has any games worth buying that are TP. Once the end of this year comes around I think it'll be a different picture.