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The Wii only has as many third party million sellers are their are third party games worth buying. If developers aren't willing to support the Wii, obviously there aren't going to be very many third party million sellers.

Ubisoft has given the Wii shit for the most part. (It was the only console that didn't get Assassin's Creed for some reason (even DS and Cell Phone are getting it). And they didn't make No More Heroes, they only published it in the West, which they did a terrible job of marketing.

Capcom is doing decently but for the most part is still handing the Wii last gen ports while feeding its meatier fair to the other consoles.

Atari just plain sucks.

EA, like many developers, is under the impression that you need to reinvent the wheel on a five dollar budget when developing for the Wii. Though who can argue they're not supporting the Wii when it gets games like Boogie when everyone else gets Call of Duty 4.

Square-Enix is doing fairly well but only ever gives Nintendo the scraps for the most part when it comes to Final Fantasy, not that I care but like a herd of lemmings people will blindly run off a cliff to buy any FF game put on a Sony console.

Bandai-Namco has offered little other than a few JRPGs which they've offered to everyone else and then some. Though Soul Calibur Legends was awesome right?

Atlus is doing well enough but their games are rarely ever main stream enough to shift the tide for anyone.

When Wii gets games like Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed and Devil May Cry 4 and they still tie with the Ps3, then you can cry foul on the Wii. Until then, keep on dreaming.