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Forums - Sony Discussion - Phil Harrison:Wii Sports is a true 'next-generation' game

nice BS thread title, keep dreaming kid.

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Stever89 said:
Jandre002 said:
Sony has been humbled by Nintendo. Damnit. Oh well I dont care, hes right Nintendo did a good job, but I still think for someone who enjoyed games before this generation the Wii kinda sucks.

Sure I like having fun on the Wii, but im more about graphics and complex games. I guess at this point caring more about what a game is and now how you play it makes me "old school"

First Insomniac sharing their dev library for free, now Phil saying Wii sports is a true next gen experience? They must be high on Blu Ray or something, way too friendly behavior in this fierce console war.

Does that mean you didn't own a PS2 last gen?

And though I agree with Bod, it's important to remember that as long as there is demand, there will be supply. And since these new casuals will only expand the market, I believe there will be more than enough demand to go around.

Naz has said this, and I emphasized his point, but I'm just going to repeat it one more time just so that I don't OMG-gaming-is-doomed alarm some people.

I am not saying that single player games will go away, just that they aren't really a growth area anymore, while multiplayer games are exploding. If you mind your games being a niche and insist that your tastes represent the future -- the essential, most important form of the medium, then you're probably in for a disappointment. If you're willing to accept the game styles you like no matter how they come to you -- be they Final Fantasy XIII mega-budget epics or quirky, fun smaller games like Professor Layton and Zack and Wiki, then you're fine.">">

Well it's not just the DS either. Look at the Wii. Oboro Muramasa, No More Heroes, Project O, Tales of Symphonia 2, Disaster, etc. None of these games will be (or are in NMH case) low quality ventures, but they are not high budget either. It would probably take the budget of all of these games combined to equal Mario Kart and Brawl.

Wow, didn't expect that. I mean out of all the PR of Sony, I've liked Phil Harrison the most, which was never saying much, but he just upped a little on my respect list. Kudos to him.

naznatips said:
Well it's not just the DS either. Look at the Wii. Oboro Muramasa, No More Heroes, Project O, Tales of Symphonia 2, Disaster, etc. None of these games will be (or are in NMH case) low quality ventures, but they are not high budget either. It would probably take the budget of all of these games combined to equal Mario Kart and Brawl.

Absolutely! And Zack and Wiki, Naz. And lots of great PSN/XBL titles such as Super Stardust HD (still my favorite PS3 game), Castle Crashers, and so forth.

DS games were just the first to come to mind because the system embodies the philosophy.


Edit: Naz, have you seen the stuff on Whispering World yet? It seems like the kind of game you'd enjoy.">">

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Zucas said:
Wow, didn't expect that. I mean out of all the PR of Sony, I've liked Phil Harrison the most, which was never saying much, but he just upped a little on my respect list. Kudos to him.

 he never actually said it did he ? looking at the link.  Its just gameindustrys interpretation of what he said.

Bodhesatva said:
naznatips said:
Very interesting Bod. Great analysis. Personally, I like both, but many of my single-player games these days come from the handhelds, more specifically the Nintendo DS. Single-player games are still around, but a lot of them are becoming much more low budget.

That's basically the conclusion I just drew in the post above you. The only thing single-player-centric fans have to fear is themselves; if they insist on higher and higher production values, better and better graphics, and so forth, then you can price yourselves out of your own market.

If you're willing to accept Phoenix Wright, Professor Layton, and New Super Mario Brothers as great games, then you're set. If you insist that things push past Final Fantasy XIII-level and beyond, you're probably in for a disappointment long term (with the occasional exceptions, of course).

I totally agree with you. Like it's been pointed out, single player focused games are not going to go away, it's just that they're not going to be the majority of games. But like I said, as long as there is demand for them, they'll be made. But at the same time we can't keep costs going up and up, because not everyone (indie devs for example) can afford those, and the great single player games don't have to be the almighty of graphics, and once companies (and gamers) start realizing that, we'll be in a lot better shape.

Phil Harrison got it right.

The Wii is next generation. This is not because of how it looks -- its graphics are not much improved over the Gamecube. But in how it plays and makes people interact.
Gaming is a vastly different experience on the Wii than on the previous systems. I can play party games with my wife and son. I can play games that get me off the couch at a friend's house. I can play Super Mario Galaxy -- with my son (who is 5) helping.

Someone in the thread said -- it will be different in 10 years. That's right. That's called evolution. That's called the next generation.

I have a friend who is from Sweeden. He was looking for Singstar (albeit for his Wii). He had just bought GH for the Wii. Fun gaming is here to stay.

I have written in several other threads about how (almost) all of the big X360 titles for this year are sequels. They are just new versions of the racing and FPS titles that have already been on the console. That is the difference between the Wii and the others right now.

At least GDC honored innovation. Portal was named game of the year. Now if Value would just port that to the Wii 8*>. OK -- I get to have a pipedream moment here, But imagine pointing at the screen to create the portals. 8*>

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


Bodhesatva said:

Absolutely! And Zack and Wiki, Naz. And lots of great PSN/XBL titles such as Super Stardust HD (still my favorite PS3 game), Castle Crashers, and so forth.

DS games were just the first to come to mind because the system embodies the philosophy.


Edit: Naz, have you seen the stuff on Whispering World yet? It seems like the kind of game you'd enjoy.

Yes, I've been following it closely ever since that trailer showed up last year.  It's right up my alley.  Of course, it's not hard for a game to be right up my alley as I'm sure you've noticed.  I play everything from Harvest Moon to Half-life hehe. 

I support niche and artistic gaming very strongly though.  Small artistic games like Oboro Muramasa, Fragile, and King's Story or point and click adventures like this, Phoenix Wright, and Layton will always be at the top of my most wanted list far above most big budget games like Metal Gear Solid 4, even if I have every intention of buying and playing them.  Super Smash Bros. Brawl is sorta an exception to this rule, but that's because it appeals to the ubernerd in me hehe.

Interesting. I totally agree with him.

Proud owner of all three consoles and handhelds.

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