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Bodhesatva said:

Absolutely! And Zack and Wiki, Naz. And lots of great PSN/XBL titles such as Super Stardust HD (still my favorite PS3 game), Castle Crashers, and so forth.

DS games were just the first to come to mind because the system embodies the philosophy.


Edit: Naz, have you seen the stuff on Whispering World yet? It seems like the kind of game you'd enjoy.

Yes, I've been following it closely ever since that trailer showed up last year.  It's right up my alley.  Of course, it's not hard for a game to be right up my alley as I'm sure you've noticed.  I play everything from Harvest Moon to Half-life hehe. 

I support niche and artistic gaming very strongly though.  Small artistic games like Oboro Muramasa, Fragile, and King's Story or point and click adventures like this, Phoenix Wright, and Layton will always be at the top of my most wanted list far above most big budget games like Metal Gear Solid 4, even if I have every intention of buying and playing them.  Super Smash Bros. Brawl is sorta an exception to this rule, but that's because it appeals to the ubernerd in me hehe.