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naznatips said:
Well it's not just the DS either. Look at the Wii. Oboro Muramasa, No More Heroes, Project O, Tales of Symphonia 2, Disaster, etc. None of these games will be (or are in NMH case) low quality ventures, but they are not high budget either. It would probably take the budget of all of these games combined to equal Mario Kart and Brawl.

Absolutely! And Zack and Wiki, Naz. And lots of great PSN/XBL titles such as Super Stardust HD (still my favorite PS3 game), Castle Crashers, and so forth.

DS games were just the first to come to mind because the system embodies the philosophy.


Edit: Naz, have you seen the stuff on Whispering World yet? It seems like the kind of game you'd enjoy.">">